Chapter 10 - Ancient Forest

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William's driving the van while Trevor was sleeping turned out to be the best solution. The few hours rest the vampire got while sleeping next to Trevor, who couldn't fall asleep despite his constant attempts, was enough. Then it was his turn to take over the role of the awake one as the brunet went to sleep at last.

As they were approaching their destination, the surroundings around them grew more and more frightening. Soup-like fog blocked their view and dimmed the headlights' glow. In spite of it being afternoon, the road ahead of them was hardly visible. In addition to their trouble, the trees' crowns seemed to close above them, making a kind of tunnel made of their thick branches.

Trevor watched it all from the front seat, his eyes wide open. 'Where are we?'

William was leaning over the steering wheel in order not to crash into a tree on their way. 'Close,' he settled on a non-specific answer, not giving too much detail.

In reaction Trevor crossed his arms and leaned against the seat backrest, his face to the window. Fog seemed so thick that if something jumped at them, they wouldn't know before it was too late. Trevor imagined this part of England to be a place, where there were no average people, and only those with extraordinary skills or the desperate ones would venture here. Both of them were the second group.

It was only two days since the visit to the lake, yet they both were exhausted and the time they'd spent on resting went, unfortunately, to waste. They wished to find William's befriended witch as soon as possible and be over with it for good, at least it was what Trevor wanted. He had never actually asked the blond about his opinion, though. Maybe it wasn't needed, since he was helping him regardless. But Trevor tried to be a good person or rather what he considered as such. So his conscience couldn't let him turn a blind eye to it.

'I have a question I need to ask.'

'Go on.'

'Are you doing it all for me? You know, this whole find-a-witch thing. Or do you benefit from it?'

After turning his head to him, William gazed into the brunet's eager eyes. 'Why are you so interested in this?'

He had to get it off his chest. It was now or never. 'Um, it's just that no one's ever wanted me before. As you know, my biological parents abandoned me. And I was never enough of a son to people who raised me. God, even my roommates who were supposed to be my friends needed me just to split the rent so that they could make ends meet. See, no one's ever wanted me for my personality, even for my looks. They always wanted something from me that benefits them. And once they get it, they dump me. So tell me what's it then that you want, William?'

There was silence for a while. No one dared to break it, while William looked as if he was thinking about an answer or awaiting the best moment to share it. When the time had come, he turned to Trevor with a delicate and warm smile on his face. 'I want nothing from you. My help is unconditional as is my friendship. I like you for your personality, Trevor, and for your looks, too. And I want to stay by your side as long as I'm needed.'

Trevor felt a mix of numerous emotions at once. He didn't know what to concentrate on. His heart that felt as if it was about to explode? Or his cheeks that warm blood was rushing to? He couldn't help smiling as he concentrated on that strange state of relief. Maybe he finally wasn't a burden to someone? This thought caused a number of butterflies to start flapping their wings in his stomach. He felt happy for the first time in months.

'I wish I could hug you right now,' Trevor whispered, drops of sweat appearing all over his forehead.

'Perhaps when we get there, you will get a chance. Because we're close. Very, to be precise,' he added, glad to hear himself saying that.

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