Chapter 8 - The next step

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      Trevor had taken the hoodie off and was now pulling the t-shirt over his head. Once shirtless, he felt too exposed without a top, wishing he had another choice to lose the vampires. An unwanted breeze was blowing on his skin. Therefore, he hugged himself and started rubbing his arms with his palms.

      Meanwhile, William managed to get a peek of Trevor's torso. It was rounded in some places and had a bunch of jet-black hairs aligned beneath his navel. There was little else to see, since Trevor started removing his jeans, and the blond was not going to watch him get naked without his consent.

      Barefooted and nude, Trevor walked towards the pond, taking care not to step on a pointed rock. First, he dipped his toes in water to check its temperature. As he'd suspected, it was piercing, causing a shiver up his spine. Second, he got into the water accompanied by a series of grotesque groans. Then he swam across the pond a few times so that he'd get used to its coldness.

      'Hey! But don't turn around!' Trevor shouted to William who stared at the trees out of boredom. 'Tell me if I'm supposed to get underwater in full? You know, like the whole body?'

      'Yes!' he shouted in response. 'I'm sorry, but it's necessary!'

      Trevor let out a long sigh of distaste, and started immersing his head. First was his chin. The problem began, when it was the turn of his cheeks and teeth. The touch of stinging water on his skin felt as if he went swimming in a pool packed with piranhas. Getting his eyes underwater was a tough task, too. Nonetheless, despite the struggle, he managed to become fully immersed.

Shortly after, Trevor found himself on the shore without a towel, because they hadn't thought about taking one due to the hurry. He stood there, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, while water was dripping down his body. The situation was uncomfortable so much so his cheeks reddened. Yet there was also something ridiculous about it, making him chuckle.

      'What are you laughing at?' asked William with doubt, not turning around.

      Trevor couldn't stop laughing. 'We forgot to take a towel.'

      'Seriously?' he put his hands on his waist. 'Um, so, I suppose, you're laughing while standing behind me naked?'

      'More or less true. But please, don't turn around to find out,' he requested.

      'Don't worry, I won't.' Suddenly, William facepalmed. 'Oh! We also forgot clothes for a change.'

      'Hmm, should I just put on clothes I had before?'

      'I think it's the only option we have,' he said after contemplating it. 'Unless you want to wait here until I—'

      'No way,' he cut in as he started to put on his underwear.

      William spun in glee, when Trevor had assured him that he was allowed to do so. 'This bath in the pond wouldn't be enough, anyway.' He shrugged as they marched towards the mansion. 'We need to find a witch.'


      'A witch,' he repeated with a smile, and took a larger step to stand in front of Trevor, blocking his way.

      'Witches also exist?'

      'Yes, but not in the form how humans visualise them, though. Witches are humans, too, but they specialise in herbs, potions, fortune-telling and so on. In addition, most of them have vast knowledge on supernatural beings like myself.' He put a hand on his chest and raised his chin up in pride.

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