Chapter 9 - Shared moments

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It was a moonless and quiet night outside. They had unfolded their sleeping bags on the floor, and there was almost no space left at the back of the van. Being forced to lie next to one another, they could almost feel their breaths on their skin each time someone exhaled. It must have resembled being closed in a sardine can, and it probably smelled like one, too.

This closeness was something Trevor feared the most. Although, it wasn't the reason why he couldn't sleep. It was because he was so used to living in the constant noise of traffic, and there was none. From behind those thick walls, somewhere in the distant grasslands, crickets were chirping, making it the sole sound that could be heard. He had already turned over a couple of times, and was now lying on his back. Still, for now, he had no intention of admitting he couldn't fall asleep.

Unbeknown to him, William was actually awake, too. His eyes were closed while he was lying on the side, his back to Trevor. On the contrary, he didn't want to fall asleep at all. In fact, he didn't need to, since he had already got his necessary amount of sleep. He was lost in thought instead. There was a lot to think about as he was their leader. Losing the vampires was the main one.

Eventually, Trevor couldn't help breaking the silence and said, 'You up?' It turned out to sound like an overrated text message.

'Yes.' The answer, sounding a bit withdrawn, came on the instant. 'What's the matter?' he added.

'Nothing.' Trevor started to pick at his fingernails, not knowing what to do with his hands. 'Nothing important at least... It's just that I can't sleep.'

'Oh, I've noticed. It's hard to miss, really.' He rolled on his back. 'Perhaps try counting the sheep.'

Trevor smiled to himself and slightly chuckled in reaction. 'I don't think it'll help, to be honest.' He glanced at the blond; all he could see was his profile. 'It's too quiet here. No passing cars, no late-night brawls, no other people.'

'You wanted to sleep in the van,' said William coldly.

'Yeah. Apparently I was wrong.' He sighed, looking away at the ceiling.

There was silence for a moment. A want to talk had dwindled in both of them. Trevor, however, insisted on continuing with the conversation anyway. 'Why weren't you asleep, though?'

'I didn't need to. I'm already well rested.'

'Oh, I forgot,' he said in disappointment.

'About what?'

He turned on the side to face him. 'That you're a vampire.'

'Hmm, for me, it's hard to forget, since my senses are much keener than those I had before. Although, I don't remember how it felt to be a human.' A movement of his blanket was noticeable, suggesting a shrug.

'Would you like to be a human again?'

'Well, if I was one, I wouldn't be here, am I right? Perhaps I would be better off dead.'

As a reaction, upset, Trevor got up, resting on his elbows. 'Please, don't ever say that again.' He gave him a concerned smile in darkness. 'If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here. You saved me, certainly.'

Trevor made a short pause. 'And I guess, until now, I didn't get an occasion to say "thank you". So, yeah, thank you. For everything.' He grabbed the blond's hand and squeezed it; a loving expression was painted on his face.

William felt as warm blood was rushing to his cheeks. He was glad it was dark. Otherwise, his sudden blush would be seen. 'It's nothing.'

'Nothing!?' Trevor opened his mouth in shock. 'Oh, I wouldn't say that. Don't be so modest!' He slapped him gently in the chest. 'I owe you big time, William.'

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