Chapter 27 - Captured

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"Oh, I will tell you what I want," Miranda began, Eleonora's eyes escaping hers. "I know, super-hearing isn't something you're used to. William doesn't use it often, does he?" She chuckled.

"What are you going to do with us?" William asked, looking up at Miranda.

She exhaled through her nostrils. "That's a good question. What am I going to do with you?" She wandered around for a moment, her hand patting her thigh. "Hmm, well, I knew the answer to this question from the beginning. Your escaping was just a delay on the way to your destiny."


"Yes. Destiny. You all played a role in that."

William frowned. "In what exactly?"

She shot him a glare. "Don't interrupt me if you don't want to have a gag shoved in your mouth." She paused and turned to the others. "So, Trevor was never supposed to be our meal. From the beginning, he was supposed to be much more than that. A revolution the world has never seen before." Her arms stretched out. "You know that he satisfies one condition, don't you, William?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The vamparization condition," she explained, the corners of her mouth rising at the blond's fright. "We're going to make him satisfy the other one." Her smile widened. "You know what it means. We're going to make him the first vampire-made vampire. Something that previously did not occur in nature."

William blanched. "You're not. It's impossible."

"Oh, I think it is now. Houston's made big progress. And well, you don't have much to say about it—you're going to die anyway. Well, at least as soon as you can die. Cut into pieces and buried underground or, better, scattered around the globe. Doesn't it sound like a pleasant way to go?"

William had controlled himself until this point, but couldn't any more. For the first time since decades, his heart began to palpitate in his chest. He could feel blood rushing to his face, reddening his ears and cheeks; he didn't know his body could still do that. Pressing his back against the pole, he wanted to sink into it and disappear completely.

"Miranda, please. Don't do it to him. It will crush him," William begged. "He doesn't want to be our kind."

"Shut your filthy mouth. You've never liked our kind," she snapped. "You've always been around humans. Liking them, loving them, and fucking them. I don't care. But you've never understood us." She leaned over William and put a finger up in front of his face, far enough so he couldn't bite it off. "I didn't want to become a vampire either. It was scary. Yet it was my destiny. A thousand years ago, I was chosen to become one, and my duty is to continue the line-age of the vampire-kind. None of you is going to stop me." She straightened up and stamped her foot.

William knew he couldn't convince Miranda, knew she'd become insane. Since when did vampires have a duty in this world? He asked himself. Since when did anyone have one? He glanced at the other vampires: no one made eye contact with him except for Jackson.

"Jackson," he began, pleading in his tone, "she can't. She can't."

"I can't?" Miranda spoke instead. "You have to become realistic, William. Jackson has changed his opinion about the vampire-kind. He won't listen to your pathetic pleas. It's pointless." She rolled her eyes. "I've already won. You have to accept it."

And this was how the vampires left the warehouse.

The sky began to grow dark. A silence prevailed inside, with the exception of the wind that blew against the walls and roof. Trevor was lost in thought, or rather he didn't know what to think. He, a vampire? It didn't sound right. However, immortality, superhuman strength, and having to eat or drink nothing apart from blood didn't sound so vile. On the other hand, he knew there must have been something wrong with being a vampire. If there was nothing to hate, why would William do it? And given his dislike and hostility, there must have been a lot to hate.

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