Chapter 13 - The werewolves

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The place which Trevor woke up in was fairly dark. However, it was hard to recognize the scene since he had to base his perception of it on its contours and basic shapes, so he came up with a shed at last. He frowned by mostly wrinkling his nose and leaned his head against a wooden pole. His hands and feet were tied with a rope like it all hadn't resembled his first kidnap enough.

'Good you're awake,' a low-toned voice came from Trevor's left side.

Although Trevor shuddered at first, he recognized this voice soon after. He was so delighted to hear it that he sighed with relief and smiled, even if William couldn't see it. As he was there with him, it meant that no one separated them. There was no fear that they'd have to find and later rescue each other, though it was obvious who would be doing the rescuing part.

'Thank the world you're here,' Trevor stated. 'I don't know what I'd do without you.' He tried twisting his torso to smile at William, but the opening of the door interrupted him.

All of the sudden, a few people came inside in single file. They didn't close the door behind them so that the place would be bright enough to make them visible. Most of them wore flannels, blue jeans with belts, and high leather boots, making them look like a stereotype of Texans. Once they settled around the room, they started eyeing Trevor and William, their glances judgemental and intimidating.

'What do you want from us?' William was the first to speak. Such a turn of events must have made his blood boil since he never was the one to get kidnapped. Until now, he was always the one to kidnap others.

The tallest and the chunkiest guy stepped forwards. 'To teach you a lesson that you don't venture in our territory,' he answered derisively. He had a brown beard and a cap on his balding head, but had no straw between his teeth to strengthen the effect. 'We don't want any of your kind here.'

'What kind?' the blond asked, pretending he had no idea what this reference was about.

The guy chuckled. 'Don't play dumb. You know well what kind, vampire.' He moved closer to William. 'You must've felt what's inside our arrows, then you know no human would be standing after being hit with five of 'em.' He leaned to the blond with a mocking smile.

William wanted to erase it from his face. He wished he'd been tied with a rope instead of a metal-like cable, though it wouldn't guarantee him that he would defeat all of them in a fight without anyone's help. Trevor couldn't be considered as such for obvious reasons; he was no match for the werewolves. Furthermore, the effect of the arrows hadn't fully disappeared either, making it only more dangerous to even try.

Still, he couldn't help wrenching his body a bit, causing the man to straighten up and step back like he was afraid of him. It made William grin genuinely, though he hadn't achieved anything.

'Better not fight it, or it'll start burning you,' another guy said. He was the same height as the others, but his rather slim build made him stand out. His eyes weren't hostile, either.

'I figured it out by now. How did you even wrap it around me? Silver burns you, too.'

'Have you ever heard about gloves?' the skinny guy said.

'Oh. You're right.' Something like an awkward chuckle left his mouth.

Once all the werewolves were gone, it was dark again since this time they had slammed the door shut. William and Trevor stayed silent for a while as they tried to analyse their escape possibilities. Although, Trevor was mostly yawning loudly instead of helping. After all, he wasn't the one who saved a kidnapped person and neither was the one who could see in darkness.

'I have keys in my pocket,' Trevor announced nonchalantly.

'Why haven't you told me before?'

'Because you haven't asked.'

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