Chapter 18 - The storm's coming

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'We need to find a new vehicle,' William said, leaning his hand against the van's wall.

It was a warm day. Everyone was outside, squinting their eyes to look at each other because of the sun that was shining brightly. The balmy breeze also helped to make such effect despite the winter season.

'How're we going to do it?' Trevor asked as he kicked a stone somewhere his foot could no longer reach.

'You don't know what I was doing in the early two thousands,' he smiled slightly, making them wonder.

Eleonora raised her eyebrows. 'To be honest, I don't think I want to,' she said. 'I don't wanna change my image of you to a bad boy, because I won't be able to unsee it.'

William shot her a teasing smile as he was stepping into the van. When he came back, he had a cap and sunglasses on and a bag over his shoulder. He looked like a tourist who was visiting some tropical country.

'So the plan is that Trevor and I are going to find us a new car or hopefully a van. And you're going to take all the useful things from our current van, then you'll burn the rest and dump the van somewhere,' he explained.

'What's useful in your opinion, huh?' she asked.

'I don't know.' He shrugged. 'Just don't burn the blankets and make us freeze to death at night,' he said, starting to walk away from them.

'We'll try our best,' Austin assured him.

William pointed a finger-pistol at him and tossed Austin the keys to the van. 'Good boy.' His good humour amazed them all.

'Toady,' she snapped, crossing her arms.

As they walked towards the nearest town, gravel crunched quietly under their shoes. Trevor had got the bag from the blond to hold. However, he hadn't got an occasion to peek inside yet, but he supposed stuff necessary to steal a vehicle was there. The path they marched along seemed endless.

'How will we contact them?' the brunet asked, starting the small talk.

'I took Eleonora's phone,' he explained. 'But you're still not allowed to hold it.' William winked at him.

Trevor rolled his eyes in reaction. 'Does she know about it?'

'She didn't. But probably she found out by now.' He shrugged.

The contours of civilization began to appear in their sight. They saw a small town with brick buildings. A church with its bell tower rose above the rest of them. It wasn't anything spectacular, though.

'Shouldn't we be doing it at night?' Trevor asked.

'Perhaps,' he said, not sharing too many details. 'But we can do that during the day, too. It won't be an issue.'

'Let's pretend that I believe you.' He tried getting closer to the blond, but he increased the distance between them instead. 'So we're together on a mission to steal a car,' he noted.

'I hope we won't end up like the last time,' the vampire shot back, depriving Trevor of any desires to keep on talking.

The town turned out to be much bigger than it had first appeared. It even had its own Tesco, which stood on the outer edge of the town. Its presence might have made the area a popular place to shop. And you needed a car to shop, or at least it was an explanation that Trevor had come up with.

'What are we looking for?' Trevor asked.

'A van,' he answered straight away. 'I'm not staying in a car with four people. Though Austin will be the first to go.'

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