Chapter 41 - Trevor

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"Eleonora got the champagne," Jackson said at their approach, "but we won't drink this shit."

"Talk for yourself," she huffed. "Besides, I had to buy all this myself, because they wouldn't sell to a minor." She shot him a mocking smile.

"I'm literally, like, six times older than you, you child. Or is telling you that you're older than the Earth itself a bigger insult? I'm good with insults, but I never got those age ones quite figured out."

Eleonora kept her squinted eyes on him for a moment, but then moved them to Trevor and William, who sat down with them. "So, let's start with the champagne. Who's drinking with me?"

"Don't look at me," William said, lifting his hands in surrender. "You know, I don't drink."

"Really? Even on your own birthday?" William shook his head, and she pointed the bottle at Trevor, who was giving a side eye to William. "Trevor? You're the last one I got."

"Yeah. Why not?" He smiled, and Eleonora did too.

She got the bottle open and poured the champagne into plastic cups, since they hadn't found anything better in the shop to drink from. Eleonora handed the brunet his cup, and they touched them together in toast.

"For all this"—she gestured at the car rather than them—"to end. But the friends and loves we got from this can stay! I want to stay in touch with you morons." She laughed and almost downed the champagne.

"You're lucky you added that," William noted.

Eleonora only smiled and looked between him and Trevor. The brunet's heart almost stopped when she proceeded to talk and didn't stay silent.

"So, how're things going between you two?" she asked as she poured herself another glass of champagne.

Jackson was quicker to say, "Oh, you know how it is! We're expecting a baby! Third week already."

Eleonora's brows shot up. "And who's pregnant exactly?"

"Willy, of course. Do I look pregnant to you? His hormones are all over the place."

"That's sexist," she commented, giving him a look. "Don't talk like that. Hormones have nothing to do with it. But congratulations, anyway." She gave them a fake smile. "But seriously, how are you? Jackson, stay quiet this time, will you?" She didn't spare him a dirty look.

As Jackson mimed zipping his mouth all the way down with his fingers, Trevor and William looked at each other in a silent question. In theory, Trevor should be the one talking about that, since he was the one who had to give this relationship a break, but William seemed willing to speak up for him. Trevor didn't want it though, so he spoke instead.

"Well," he began, putting the cup down, "it's better. That's for sure. We're trying to make it back to the state our relationship was before. Before the second kidnap, that is, or at the very beginning of it. It was quite well between us back then, so I think we can come back to that state. What do you think, William?" His gaze met William's eyes, happy and loving.

"Of course." He nodded with a smile. "I'd love to make that happen."

"Good," he said, then nodded to make himself focus. "Let's celebrate, shall we?"

And celebrate they did indeed. Bottles were passed from hand to hand, and the cups were endlessly being refilled. At last, Trevor convinced even William to drink a little with them. He suspected that William didn't want to drink because it would make him lose control. But that was exactly what he wanted for William. He'd been in control for so long that it might have become a habit or responsibility, or even a burden. He wanted William to let loose and forget about what had happened for at least a little while. Trevor wanted to see William happy.

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