Chapter 17 - Close call

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When Eleonora's scream reached Trevor's ears, he wanted to let go of the steering wheel so badly. But they had to keep on going. Nothing would do them more good than escaping from the person that put them in that situation in the first place. So he stepped on the gas pedal and felt as he was sinking into the backrest.

Austin had gone to check on the other two, leaving the brunet alone at the front. No one told him what had happened, though he had his theory, as he hadn't heard William's voice in a while. His knuckles became white, while his body was tense, but he didn't stop until they told him to.

He pulled over instantly, ignoring if it was a suitable location to do so. He'd never fastened his seat belt, so it helped him get off his seat quicker. Then he rushed to the back, his steps making the van shake.

'What happened?' he gasped.

Eleonora moved away so that he would see for himself. He saw William's body lying on the floor, lifelessly. His eyes were gently closed like he was sleeping and not dead. His skin lost every colour, so deep red blood stood out from the rest. And thin, white smoke was coming out of his wound. Just looking at it all made the brunet shudder.

Trevor fell to his knees beside him, tears running down his cheeks. He stretched out his hand to touch him, but quickly took it away as if contact would melt him. However, feeling his skin against his was something he needed right now, thus he had to try again. To his surprise, William's skin was warm, maybe too warm for someone who must have been losing his body heat with every passing second.

Eleonora sighed. 'He's not dead, you moron,' she said at last.

The brunet looked up at her, a web of red veins in his eyes. 'W-what? How?' he faltered.

The corners of her mouth slightly rose. 'He's a vampire,' she said like it would change Trevor's worldview. 'It's not that easy to kill him.'

Trevor couldn't believe her words. William was lying dead before him and nothing could change it. But what if she was telling the truth? 'So how're we gonna bring him back?' he asked.

The witch moved and stood up. 'We're going to remove the bullet and let him heal afterwards. It's that simple,' she explained. 'Now get up. We don't need you sobbing.' She waved him up.

That way, the brunet got to his feet before wiping his tears on his sleeve. It brought good memories back because William gave him this grey hoodie. Eleonora and Austin walked around the van, while Trevor stayed close to the blond. He stood shivering and sniffing.

'I see your first aid kit is running low,' she shot while coming back. 'But I managed to find gloves at least.' A beaming smile appeared on her face.

He couldn't make himself smile back. Instead he knelt again beside William. 'How're gonna do it?' His head pointed at the blond, unsure of its move.

'It'll be more like how I am gonna do it,' she corrected. 'It's a one-person job.'

'You sure?' She nodded for an answer, and he bit his lower lip. 'Why is there smoke coming out of it?'

Eleonora shifted as she put on a glove. 'The bullet that he got shot with is probably silver. Which means that it's burning its way through his brain.' She winced.

Trevor's jaw dropped, and a shiver went down his spine. 'What?'

'Yeah, it sounds much worse than it actually is. I promise.'

'"Burning its way through his brain"? Ugh, it sounds the worst already!'

'I know,' she agreed. 'But he'll come back to life. Eventually.'

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