Chapter 34 - Trouble in paradise

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The very end of Trevor's fall seemed cut short, as if someone suddenly turned off the slow-motion, and the snow, whose texture reminded him of a wet mattress, absorbed most of it. He lay there with this stupid smile on as the snow melted by the warmth of his hands. Though, hearing Miranda's moans slapped him back to reality, wiping the smile off his face. He jumped to his elbows and watched as she was fumbling to crawl towards him. Fortunately, all the bullets pouring at her prevented her from succeeding, and she would stop moving altogether every time one went through her. He could see the frustration in her eyes, like she wouldn't hesitate to kill him any more, and he somehow knew she wouldn't—it was written on her face.

Fortunately, the only thing she'd managed to injure so far was his nose. Trevor wanted it to stay this way. He wondered if it was broken, as he found out the bleeding was quite persistent. The blood kept running down his mouth, chin, and even neck, so every time he parted his lips, some would land on his tongue and the taste of iron would make him wince. To make matters worse, another thing he had injured himself was his ear.

He thought he should be in so much pain. It didn't sound or look promising. However, it seemed the adrenaline in his veins kept him going and his injuries mostly painless. His heart was leaping like it was about to jump out of his chest, and providing him with energy that was no longer needed.

Trevor seemed to find a way to use all this energy.

The shooting had stopped, and Eleonora was now running towards Miranda, supposedly, to tie her up with the chain she was holding. William kept aiming at her, like she would stand up and challenge them again. Trevor wouldn't resist seeing Eleonora tie the very person who had recently caused so much pain in his life, but only if he didn't have another person to come to, who was undoubtedly much more precious to him.

So Trevor stood up, dusted himself down, hoping he wouldn't faint. His plan put so much hope the adrenaline wouldn't run out. He then limped his way to William, the snow crunching under his shoes, and simply jumped onto him like onto a tree, before wrapping his legs around the vampire's hips and arms around his neck. Only then did he begin wondering whether or not his wounded leg would manage to keep him up there.

"Hey, take it easy," William told him. "I have a gun."

It was fairly dark. Even with night-vision, William didn't notice the blood on Trevor's face immediately.

"Ooh, what are you planning to do with it?" After saying it in the cheesiest tone his vocal cords could make, he couldn't suppress a laugh. "Seriously, I don't care. Put it down and hug me back."

"Is that what you want, huh?"

"Sure it is," he agreed, before leaving a slightly wet kiss on William's cheek.

William frowned. Before he could do something about it, he had to secure the gun and bend his knees, so that it ended up in the snow close by.

"Wait. Look at me." After Trevor did so, he cupped his face in one of his hands, while the other was making sure the brunet wouldn't slide down. "Hey, you're bleeding."

"Oh, I know." Shame suddenly seized him, and so he looked away. He then wiped the blood on his sleeve. "But it's nothing serious, is it? It doesn't hurt. Really."

William shot him one of his are-you-sure looks, but the brunet didn't answer.

After a while Trevor whispered, "I missed you."

William's expression turned into a warm smile. "Me too, Trevie. Me too."


He frowned. "Don't you like it?"

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