Chapter 39 - Coming to an end

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When Trevor and William were making their way back, they heard screaming and shouting from afar. One voice they could recognise must have been Eleonora's. They both stopped and strained their ears. William had said he could take both chairs, and Trevor had taken the offer, so he stood empty-handed while William was holding them both under his arms. They listened for any signs of fighting, too self-aware to go there without knowing what waited for them. However, soon Austin's distinct voice joined Eleonora's.

Trevor beckoned for William to follow, and they headed for the van. From the distance, they could see that they both stood outside and kept arguing, although neither Trevor nor William knew what it was all about.

Finally, William seemed to have given in to the curiosity and went up to them; Trevor had nothing else to do but to jog after him.

"What is it all about?" William asked, and his voice seemed to match the volume of theirs.

"Austin's taking the van and leaving," Eleonora said.

"What?" Trevor asked with a frown.

"Yeah," she agreed.

"Why so soon, Austin?"

"It is no use staying here," he began explaining. "Trevor is safe and sound, as you can see, and my father isn't. He still needs to have a funeral. Like anyone."

William went silent as he leaned the chairs against the van wall. "Well, I don't think I can stop you, can I?"

"You can't," Austin agreed. "We're leaving today."

William tilted his head in surprise. "Sooner than I thought."

"Yeah." He nodded.

"See? They won't even give us time to say goodbye," Eleonora protested.

The blond furrowed his brows in confusion. "I don't think we need so much time to say our goodbyes. Besides, Daniel's death is partly our fault, all of us, so the least we can do is let them leave in peace."

Eleonora rolled her eyes and started for the front door of the van. "If you say so. Tell me when you're ready."

"Wait." William seemed to remember something. "It means that you leave all the vampires with us."

"Basically," Austin agreed.

"Hmm, it's not good. Not good. We could use more time, then."

"I mean, we can take one." Austin shrugged. "They shouldn't cause any problems alone."

"But the problem is we don't know what we want to do with them," William told him.

Austin arched an eyebrow at him. "What can be done? They're murderers. They killed my father. Death is what they deserve." He crossed his arms.

William heaved a sigh, but then his tired expression gave way to a smile. "It's not that easy. Believe me."

Austin's frown strengthened. "What's not easy about it?"

"We can come back to this conversation later. It's only shortly after the breakfast for me and Trevor, and it's not even close to this for Eleonora. You're not leaving this soon, aren't you?"

"No. We think early evening will do."

"Perfect. So see you in a while, right?"

Austin nodded but seemed reluctant to leave. He left in the end.

"So we have much less time to figure out what to do with them, don't we?" Trevor asked, looking as Austin's silhouette disappeared behind the trees.

"Yes," he agreed. "We need to work something out. For now, however, let's eat breakfast, shall we?"

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