Chapter 35 - Nothing is going according to the plan

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Trevor felt that William was studying him closely as he fumbled to stand up. The vampire must have seen the awkwardness in his movement, since he suddenly took a step toward him and extended a helping hand, but the brunet didn't take it.

Finally, when they both stood steadily on their feet, William asked, "Trevor, are you all right?"

"Yeah," Trevor said, unaware of his frowned expression. "Don't I look like it?"

William seemed to wonder what to say. "Honestly? You look kind of pale."

He somehow knew he wasn't in the best shape. His body was constantly reminding him of that: sweating, aches, shaking, sudden changes in the temperature. So he asked a sly question, which could end up sounding stupid, so that the vampire wouldn't go further into asking. "You can see that in the dark?"

"Of course," he told him. "Being a vampire comes with night vision."

It didn't seem William had seen past the trick. He even shot him a proud smile, or at least it was how the brunet had interpreted it in the dark.

Trevor cleared his throat. "So, maybe we should come back? How's Austin doing, by the way?"

William waited for him to join at his side, but seeing the reluctance in Trevor's body language, he took the lead instead. As expected, Trevor followed him, keeping some distance between them.

William seemed to have read Trevor's mind, because when he thought he had to ask again, he began answering. "Obviously, not great. When I was about to leave to get you, he was yelling at Eleonora. Sobbing too. He couldn't believe his father's dead. I thought they might start fighting for a moment."

"I mean, can we even believe this?" Trevor arched an eyebrow at the blond's back. "I thought no one was going to die today. And now I think he died because of me." He had to share it with someone, not necessarily William, but he was the only person he got at the moment. He swallowed audibly, though for William probably almost everything was audible, and went on, "They came here to save me."

"They did, indeed," he agreed. "But they knew what might happen here, Trevor. They knew it might happen. Don't blame yourself."

"Easy to say. Did they know it would happen? I don't think so. They can't believe this, and neither do I." Trevor stayed silent for a while, their footsteps the only sound filling the silence. "Besides, you sound like you don't care."

There was a brief pause. Trevor hoped he wouldn't hear any wild-life noises, as he had a problem trusting William now more than ever. He didn't even seem willing to deny his accusation. Instead, he was proceeding up the same steep hill the brunet would have to climb, remaining quiet all the while.

Trevor assumed he wouldn't get a reply, so he stopped halfway up the hill to breathe and asked, "Where did they take him?"

William turned around and looked down at him, eyes squinted, or so he thought. "They wanted to take him to the hospital, so they first took him to our car. No one thought Miranda's van would go anywhere after she crashed with that tree." William paused and scratched his neck. "I think they would have made it, if Daniel hadn't got shot in the heart. Getting a silver bullet in the heart for a werewolf is very serious."

"So," Trevor began, searching for the most appropriate wording, as he started climbing up the slope, "he's actually dead?"

He shot him a confused look. "I told you he is."

Halfway up the hill, for a moment, Trevor looked like he would soon lose his balance and roll down it, but he quickly leaned forward and dug his fingertips through snow and grass, deep into the ground. He had to close his eyes so as to concentrate on regulating his heartbeat, breathing, and shaking. When he opened them, he saw that William was studying him and standing in a position ready to help. Of course he was. He couldn't help smirking. See? I can do it by myself. I don't need your help, this smile was telling him.

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