Chapter 19 - Sold out

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The moment Eleonora finished speaking, she took a deep breath, her hand reaching to her chest. William had spent all that time on pacing back and forth, while Trevor had stood still, only tapping his foot. Nothing seemed to fit in their puzzle. They had to find the solution as fast as possible, because no one knew if Austin was in trouble.

'What do you think?' Eleonora asked, addressing the question more to the blond than to Trevor.

William stopped to sigh. 'Honestly, I don't know. It shouldn't have happened. It wasn't part of our plan.' He buried his face in his hands.

'Can't you use your vampire instincts to track him or something?' Trevor proposed.

Suddenly, the blond spread his fingers, causing his eyes to emerge from behind them. 'Right. I haven't thought about that.'

'See? Sometimes I'm the brain too.' He smiled.

William closed his eyes when his arms returned beside his thighs. The sound of water let his muscles relax. 'He's not here. Just the three of us.' Once his vision came back, tension did too.

Trevor took on a focussed expression. 'Hmm, maybe we could use you like some kind of radar?'

'That's brilliant,' Eleonora exclaimed, her palms coming together.

That way, they headed for the forest, soon marching between the trees. Fallen leaves rustled with each step they took. Eleonora wore beige trousers and a matching blouse instead of a dress, thus being able to keep the pace with the rest. A cotton bag hung over her shoulder.

As expected, William was on the lead. With his focussed expression, he looked like he had just come up with the most innovative idea the world had ever seen and needed to write it down immediately.

After a while of walking, the blond stopped and raised his chin high. 'I think I feel something.'

'What is it?' Eleonora asked.

'I'm not sure. It feels like three different heartbeats,' he said.

Trevor frowned. 'You sure they aren't ours?'

William was staring deep into the forest. 'I'm pretty sure. Besides, mine's too slow to match theirs. It must be three humans.' His focus went back to them. 'Well, Austin's heartbeat is like a human's before he undergoes lycanthropy.'

'So what are we waiting for?' the witch asked before rushing forwards.

However, William had no intention of following her for now. 'You have developed a soft spot for him, haven't you?'

Eleonora paused and turned around. 'Maybe a little bit.' She tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, but the stares didn't stop. 'I don't know, okay? He feels different.' She shrugged.

'Please, tell me that you don't have a thing for werewolves,' the blond said.

'Ugh.' She grimaced. 'No. No such thing. I promise.'

The vampire smiled. 'That's fine. I was just curious, you know.'

'Let's find out whose heartbeats are those, shall we?' Trevor proposed after making sure their conversation had ended.

The other two nodded, and they let William take the lead.

It turned out that the forest wasn't as vast as they had initially assumed. Soon the leaf base under their feet changed into a concrete one. A multi-story building that reminded them of an abandoned manufacture came into their view. Deep cracks could be seen on its red brick walls and its large windows were mostly broken or chipped. Also, various greenery had begun reclaiming its place here, only strengthening the impression of the building's dilapidation.

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