Chapter 20 - This is the time

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Eleonora had told them that the sleeping potion might last up to six hours. It meant that they had a lot of spare time in the afternoon, because the two men would probably wake up in the late evening. However, the remaining three stayed around in case that someone's regeneration ability would take them by surprise.

Now that Eleonora had made herself a cup of tea, she was sitting in the folding chair in front of the van, her bare feet touching the grass. William was right beside her, sitting on the doorstep, his chin supported on his fist. Trevor, on the other hand, was napping inside the van. Once adrenaline had left their bodies, they had become drowsy and weary.

The weather hadn't changed. The sun was shining brightly because of the lack of clouds in the sky. A stronger gust of wind passed by every now and then, but it wasn't enough to disturb their rest.

Suddenly, Eleonora's stomach began to growl. She put the empty cup on the ground and frowned at once, an embarrassed smile appearing on her face. 'Maybe we should eat something?'

'You're asking me?' William raised his left eyebrow.

'You're the only one I can ask,' she commented. 'Besides, it's time to wake up Trevor. It's been almost half an hour, and it's not healthy to sleep that long.'

He stood up. 'Alright. I'll wake him up.'

'I need to go with you, then.' Eleonora got up, too, before placing her hands on her waist.


'You know we keep food in the van, right?'

'Oh, I forgot. I can take care of it if you want,' he said. 'But I don't know what you can do in the meantime.'

She beamed at him. 'I have an idea.'

'What is it?'

'How about a picnic?' she asked. 'It's a beautiful day.'

'You know that we don't have much other food besides soup from cans, wafers, and crackers, Elie?' he asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

'Okay, but we can at least eat in a nice scenery.' She tilted her head, outstretching her arms.

'If you say so.'

Then William went inside the van, closed the door behind him, and tiptoed to the brunet, who was sleeping on the couch. It might have been the reason why he hadn't awoken yet. The blond leaned over Trevor before grabbing his shoulder and shaking it a bit.

Trevor opened his eyes at once, and rolled to his back as William took away his hand out of fear. He wasn't feeling much better after the nap since that alarm state hadn't left his body. His stress hadn't gone down, either.

'Welcome back,' the blond said, a shy smile on his face

Trevor didn't smile back. Instead he sat up, getting the blanket out of his way, and asked what time it was. William didn't mind answering.

After that they both searched through the cupboards to find some food that was suitable for a picnic. The brunet didn't have an opinion about the picnic, though he was quite happy that he would eat something soon; his stomach was empty.

When they went outside, they saw that Eleonora was sitting cross-legged on a blanket, which was unfolded close to the lake. Her skin was washed in the sunlight, making it look like amber. Even a wicker basket stood next to her to strengthen the effect. After exchanging curious glances, they both proceeded towards her.

The witch stood up. 'Do you have food? It has to be yummy food, 'cause I won't let you into my kingdom without it.'

'We tried our best,' Trevor assured her.

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