Chapter 16 - The chase

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The next morning was rough. As they didn't have enough sleeping bags, they all had to sleep in their seats so that it would be fair. Their necks hurt greatly, and they didn't even sleep that well to make it up. At least the surroundings didn't worsen their situation because it was, in fact, quiet.

'Good morning,' a voice said warmly.

Trevor opened his eyes, feeling a hand on his shoulder, and immediately saw William who was smiling at him. A second later, he was smiling with him. 'Hello,' he murmured. Then he stretched, stood up and looked around. The van's rear door was wide open, overlooking an empty, weeded field in the background.

Eleonora and Austin were already sitting on the step and having breakfast, two cans of soup the brunet knew too well in their hands. Trevor greeted them before squeezing between them. It made them exchange somewhat offended looks. Meanwhile, William started heating up Trevor's soup.

A gentle breeze was blowing against their skin that was washed in sunshine. It resulted in Austin's eyes being greener than ever. Trevor's soup was ready within the following minutes. He began to eat it when he was handed out the spoon. The other two had already finished theirs, but stayed with the brunet to admire the view. Eleonora leaned back on her hands, her curls almost touching the floor.

'Why don't we do that more often?' she asked.

'You didn't want to go,' the blond noted and shrugged. He was sitting on the couch, a bit away from the rest. 'Where did the not-leaving-my-witch-identity-behind part go?' he grinned mockingly.

'Well, the scenery convinced me to go out more often,' she smiled back, but hers was warm and rather comforting.

'I must admit that it's quite nice here,' he said, leaning against the backrest. Then he inhaled through his nostrils and gazed at the sky with a smile.

They had no idea what was about to go down.

'I think we should get going,' William said when he came back from his lone walk.

Trevor frowned. 'What's our plan?' he asked.

Surprisingly, William simply shrugged. 'I don't know.' He shook his head. 'But we need to refill our fuel canisters. Close the door, please.' After that he went straight to the steering wheel, not letting them have their say.

'What's up with him?' asked Austin before disappearing behind the closed door.

'I'm not sure,' Trevor said when Austin came back. The brunet was staring at the front seats. 'But I think I should join him there,' he smiled and they nodded indulgently.

William turned the key in the lock, once Trevor buckled up. The other two didn't have any seat belts to fasten so it was no use waiting for them. The engine roared a few times before eventually starting. When the blond stepped on the pedal, the van moved forward, lifting a huge cloud of dust behind it.

'Why are you like this?' Trevor asked when they turned to the main road.

'Like what?'

'So quiet.'

'Oh. That's what you mean.' William stayed silent for a while, his focus on the road. 'I have this strange gut feeling all the time,' he said. 'Um, like something bad is about to happen.' He shrugged.

He shifted in his seat to get a better view of the vampire. 'Like what?'

'I don't know. But it doesn't stop bothering me.' Their eyes met. 'Good you're with me,' he smiled, making the brunet blush.

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