Chapter 2 - It gets worse

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      Trevor woke up tied with a rope to the wooden pole. His head hurt greatly, while the rest of his body felt sore. He didn't know where he was, or how much time passed since he'd been unconscious. He tried wrenching himself free in an act of desperation, but it did not help much. Then he took a cursory glance around the location which he was in—it appeared to be some kind of a warehouse or a sizeable barn. To his disappointment, there was no other convenient option of him freeing his hands that he could think of at the moment. The second look had a task of finding out if there was someone else besides him. It seemed that there wasn't. Which was good news, one in a vast sea of terrible ones.

      Suddenly, he was able to hear a conversation that occurred behind the barn door. He kept his ears to the ground in order to catch something, but the disordered sounds didn't want to add up to form a sentence. A sigh of helplessness left his mouth. He leaned his head on the pole and looked at the ceiling with a number of holes that the sunbeams shone through. A single tear ran down his cheek, when he had come to the realisation that it might be the place where his life would end. His dead body would be left alone, in some hole where no one would look for it.

      The door opened unexpectedly, lifting a cloud of dust into the air. Several people went inside without hesitation—they walked with a proud, upright posture. Three of them situated themselves facing Trevor, only the woman walked constantly. The clicking sound of her heels on the floor was hard to miss. She was black and had her curly hair pinned in a messy bun. As she wandered around, she covered most of her face with her hand. It appeared to Trevor as if something troubled her.

      Trevor quickly recognised the stranger—he stood the most from behind. He looked so innocent compared to his fellow kidnappers. It had no reasonable sense that he was there. Actually, they all looked like random people who happened to work together. There weren't any apparent connections between them.

      'Ahem,' he coughed. 'Um, hello?' He wanted to sound harmless and tried his best not to look terrified at the same. 'Since we're together, can you at least tell me what you want from me? It'd be—'

      'Shut up!' some bulky guy kicked his leg.

      Then other kidnappers just looked at him with disrespect in their eyes, except for the stranger, who had been secretly smiling throughout the scene. Meanwhile, the woman took her hand out of her face and frowned at Trevor who dared to open his mouth, but then she rolled her eyes instead.

      'Can you put him to sleep for me, please?' she said, sounding exhausted. 'I need some more time to think.'

      The man nodded and took out a syringe with transparent fluid inside from the trunk that he had been holding. A smile as an expression didn't indicate anything good to come. Trevor tried once again to free himself from the grip of the rope. It didn't do much besides some bruises, since the man managed to insert the needle into his arm anyway. A muted moan came out of Trevor's mouth. The scene started to spin almost immediately as his vision became blurry, and shortly after he lost contact with the world unwillingly.

Trevor woke up in the same place once more. First time was already too much to handle and now this—the intruder sat in a chair a few meters in front of him, while reading a newspaper. The orange sunlight shone on his shoulder-length and blonde hair, which caused him to look charming. There was also a subtle blush on his cheeks. It might've been the worst thing possible to have a good-looking yet potentially murderous kidnapper.

      'Well, I guess it's just you and me again,' he suddenly said. A pair of blue eyes emerged from behind the newspaper. 'Don't act surprised. I can hear your heartbeat. It got noticeably faster when you woke up.'

      He decided to leave his words unresponded. The two had sat without speaking for a while, when Trevor was lost in thought. It was weird—how could the intruder potentially hear his heartbeat? There were a lot of oddities considering the stranger. The presentation of such an abnormal strength was one of them. Trevor tried to put the pieces together, but there were too few certainties to do so. He, therefore, needed answers, not suspicions.

      'You said you have your reasons. What did you mean?' he asked, breaking the silence. 'You kidnapped me to get the money from my relatives and friends? I have bad news for you, they're broke.' He intended on exploiting one topic before moving to another.

      He giggled unexpectedly. 'Silly, you cannot see things that are right in front of you.' The kidnapper folded the newspaper and put it below the chair. 'Very human thing to do, actually.'

      'You're right in front of me,' he snapped and gave him a glare.

      'Great observation,' he smiled. 'And who I am?'

      'A dick?'

      'Close, but you're not right there yet,' he chuckled and gestured that Trevor had to try a bit harder, while changing the sitting position on the chair. The stranger leaned slightly towards Trevor and rested his hands on his leg as if he was really interested in this discussion.

      'Let me think,' he said. 'A kidnapper?'

      'And what kind of a kidnapper would survive being hit in the head? Which was actually a pretty good attempt, I have to admit that.'

      'But it didn't work in the end.'

      'It would work, if I wasn't...?'

      At that point, Trevor knew exactly what the man had wanted him to say. Suddenly, the pieces of the puzzle came together, but he wouldn't have achieved it without his crucial part. It was so obvious yet so hard to acknowledge. Trevor suspected it from the moment he'd seen the sharp fangs, and he had rejected this possibility the entire time.

      'A vampire?' Finally uttering these words aloud caused a shiver down his spine. Some drops of sweat started to appear on his forehead. However, it also resulted in him feeling lighter as if he got rid of some weight.

      'Bravo!' he yelled and clapped his hands in glee. 'Your fragile brain finally got it right,' he smiled.

      There was no more time to talk, since the barn door opened again that day, and Trevor knew that it didn't mean any good. He was once more put to sleep without his consent—this time by an Asian man with a wide scar down his cheek. Nevertheless, he felt differently the second time, it was somehow relieving. Maybe it was because of the new knowledge he was in possession of, or maybe it was the fact that there was no fear left in his body.

if you see indents, and there's lack of one somewhere, I've done it on purpose so that it's transparent to see where's a major change in scene or time. 

I think I can manage to post a chapter every week, since I have a lot of free time now where I live. 

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