Chapter 11 - The Witch

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Panicked, Trevor knelt beside him, taking the blond's head in his hands. 'William, are you okay?'

'Yeah,' he groaned before pushing Trevor's hands away. Then he got to his feet at once. 'Son of the bitch, Elie!'

Something was lacerating through his skin on his lower arm that had blocked the flask. William quickly examined the broad wound. His look was focused whereas the rest of his face was frowned in pain. He knew it wasn't something that could kill him, but it was a rare pain he could feel. His vampirisation had relieved him of experiencing most types of pain. However, blood of a person who's not Rh negative was the rare case that could hurt him, and it was a burning feeling.

A woman walked out of the cabin, her face in shock. 'What the fuck happened to your hair?'

As it appeared to them in the dimmed sunlight, she was a tall and rather slender person. Her complexion, her hair colour, and her irises could all be described as brown. A mouth that she possessed was full and its upper lip was also heart-shaped. She wore a gorgeous, loose-fitting dress with frills, which was blowing in the breeze. In addition to her dress, she had a pair of necklaces and bracelets with gemlike beads.

William covered the wound with his hand grasped around it. 'I cut it to be unrecognisable. But now I see it was a bad idea,' he snapped.

'No doubt. Besides, you look ridiculous. So yeah, I agree.' Her tone was judgmental yet also warm-hearted.

'Thanks, Elie.'

'Always at your service,' she smiled and bowed slightly. 'Anyway, what are you doing here? But first please, tell me, who's that?' She pointed at the brunet who stood a bit further from them.

'Oh, right.' He turned around, went to Trevor, and dragged him towards Eleonora while holding his hand. 'That's Trevor. He's my friend.'

Trevor was embarrassed and blushed a bit, as it looked more like William was introducing his boyfriend, holding his hand tight, instead of introducing a friend.

Eleonora eyed him from bottom to top. She wasn't smiling, she was rather concentrated as if she wanted to see through the brunet's soul at that moment. Trevor was an average man to her. Someone she would pass on the way home, if she was still living in the suburbs. Based on his appearance, she assumed he was a young adult. But William's bringing him here must have had something to do with that kid's particularity.

'It's nice to meet you, Trevor.' Once she extended her hand to Trevor, William released his hand.

The brunet shook her hand and said, 'Nice to meet you, too,' he gave her a smile.

'Out of curiosity, you're a human, right?' Trevor nodded for an answer instead of speaking. 'Interesting.' She side-glanced at the vampire.

There was short-lived silence, the three of them peeking at each other. However, William broke it soon after, when he groaned, 'Ouch!' and started to rub his eye with his knuckles. 'Silver bits? Are you serious?'

'Oh, I've totally forgotten!' She rushed to the blond at once. 'I'm really sorry. We need to dust them off you! Now!'

Eleonora and William started doing so, while Trevor watched them from a distance, not getting too involved. The vampire took care that no bit touched his skin as she was sweeping them off him to the ground. That way, they were done in no time. Nonetheless, some pieces managed to damage William's skin anyway, which must have caused a lot of pain as his expression demonstrated that.

William came closer to her, putting his hand on her shoulder. 'Were you expecting a vampire?'

'No why would I?' She squinted her eyes.

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