Chapter 15 - Coffee stop

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Both the space in the van and its speed slightly decreased when everyone packed into it. William and Trevor sat in the front seats as usual, while Eleonora and Austin made themselves comfortable on the couch at the back. Although Austin needed lots of breaks, during which he stayed silent as he didn't cope with his loss that well anymore, the two newcomers seemed to get along. It had annoyed the vampire at first, but he soon realized that it was for the better. Busy talking, they had less occasions to distract him because Trevor was already doing it flawlessly without anyone's help.

Escaping without a plan was their obvious weakness, though they hadn't got the time to make one yet. Almost each one of them had a different aim. Austin was open about his goal of finding his family, to whom the rest still had hard feelings. After all, no one knew what would've happened if the witch hadn't intervened. Eleonora needed to stay away from the Ancient Forest for a while as it wasn't a safe place anymore. Only William would go anywhere Trevor wanted, but obviously, the brunet would never let down people that he or his friends cared for. That way, finding Austin's family seemed the most reasonable task to begin with.

'We're going to find your family, Austin. I promise,' William said at last, his voice drowning out the melody playing on the radio. 'But first, we need to lie low for a while. I'm sorry. We cannot take that risk now.'

'You're right. As much as I'd like to get it over with. We have no idea where the witch hunter went. Neither do we know what he's after,' noted Trevor.

Then there was temporary silence as most possible topics of conversations were already used. They could see that outside the windows it was gloomy and spooky, even though the moon was shining brightly that day. The leafless trees casted their shadows on the single line road, like something you'd see in a horror movie. Trevor wished they could watch the stars instead of running away from the murderous yet mysterious witch hunter. However, it was far too much to wish for.

None of them really pressured Austin into sharing more details about the witch hunter since he was grieving his father's death after all. All they needed to know was that the witch hunter was somewhere there and was someone that they all had to beware. Nonetheless, life had to go on and they wouldn't let any person disturb it without a fight.

A few hours later, the van stopped in the parking lot of some roadside restaurant that was the only one open all night. Eleonora, Trevor, and Austin were starving; William wasn't for obvious reasons. It turned out that werewolves needed to eat human food, too, as Austin was the one who came up with the idea of taking a snack break in the first place.

After they all got out of the van, they stretched out their limbs since they were sore from the journey. Trevor had to put on a cap and a pair of sunglasses before going inside so that he wouldn't be easily recognized on the camera footage. He couldn't believe that he was doing it willingly and moreover that no one had to force him. However, they didn't know whether someone was still looking for him, so being overly cautious seemed like a better option than not enough.

'Couldn't we have chosen a better place?' Trevor asked as they gathered in the parking lot. He kept his hands in the pockets of his jacket because of the chilly breeze.

To his eyes, this restaurant was looking quite off-putting. After all, its parking lot lights weren't working, or were so dimmed that they didn't provide much light anyway. There were almost no vehicles parked there besides their own. And as always, the place had to be located in the middle of nowhere, nothing more than endless grasslands around them.

'Don't be fussy. It looks cool to me,' said Eleonora. This was to be expected from her since she found the restaurant on her phone when Austin asked her to do so.

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