five: the beauty in it.

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Cameron and Ada stared at the floor in silence. Ada was sitting on the bathroom counter, her hands gripping the edge while Cameron stood in front of her, his arms crossed against his chest as he slowly shifted his weight on his feet. The only thing that could be heard was the faint sound of the TV playing in their bedroom and the vibrations from Cameron's phone whenever someone texted him. It was getting on his nerves though, because he kept peeking over at his phone thinking the timer was done.

Cameron put his hands on Ada's knees, softly rubbing them as he got closer to her as he tried to soothe his own bubbling nerves. But both of them could feel butterflies in their stomach in anticipation.

And then, finally Cameron's phone began to play a melody, vibrating against the marble counter. Cameron swiftly reached over and silenced it before picking up the pregnancy test, knowing Ada was too nervous to look at it herself. His other hand gripped Ada's thigh as he read the results, and she watched in anticipation as he stared at it in silence before he gave a small sigh, looking up at her.

"You're pregnant," he quietly said.

"Really?" she asked in disbelief, looking at the test as well while Cameron nodded. And sure enough, there were two blue lines on the small screen that made a plus sign, marking their new fate.

Ada's heart was pounding in her chest. She watched as Cameron let out a sigh, slowly putting the test down. Ada examined his nervous, still facial expression. That's all she could do at the moment was just look at him. Her mind felt a bit blurred, and nothing felt real for a moment. Her nerves were shot.

Pregnant? She was pregnant?

"Um... yeah," Cameron sighed again, lost for words as he crossed his arms, his hand at his mouth. There was something about his facial expression and his body language that gave her the feeling that the news wasn't something he was too thrilled about. He looked upset. Ada began to feel a bit disheartened, which didn't mix well with the heart pounding sensation she was feeling from the life-changing news she had just received.

"...Did... did you want-... Because... I'm sorry, I should have taken the birth control... like you had suggested for me to. I'm sorry Cameron," Ada mumbled sadly.

Cameron furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head as she randomly began to apologize. "No, no Ada, what are you apologizing for? ...Come here," he chuckled softly as he stood between her legs, wrapping his arms around her waist as he hugged her, with Ada letting out a shaky breath.

"...You okay?" he asked Ada, and she nodded her head as they continued to hug. He leaned back from her, giving a small smile as they looked at each other. 

He glanced over at the positive pregnancy test again, slightly biting his lip. But then, he looked at Ada again, giving her a smile to which she slowly returned as he hugged her again. He looked over her shoulder into the bathroom mirror, smiling small. And Ada looked over his shoulder at the wall, her smile faltering a little as she nervously bit her lip, holding onto Cameron a little tighter.

For the rest of the day, Cameron and Ada seemed to try and go on as if nothing was out of the ordinary. For some reason, their minds wouldn't let them process it fully. For Cameron, it was because he was still having a pretty busy day, continuing looking over design sketches and going to the gym and trying to continue packing before he left the next morning. He was too afraid to think about it, scared that he would get off track. He would just have to worry later.

For Ada, it was simply because her mind wouldn't let her believe she was pregnant. She didn't know if it was because she didn't physically look pregnant or what it was. But, she found herself doing laundry for Cameron, tidying the house and listening to music all day as if nothing even happened earlier. It seemed like it was an unspoken rule between the two to just ignore their new situation for the time being.

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