three: make the best of it.

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"Cameron, are you ready?" Victor asked as he peeked into Cameron and Ada's room.

"Yeah, I'm ready, one sec let me get my other bag," Cameron said as Victor nodded before he backed out of the room.

Ada watched from the bed as Cameron transferred some items from their suitcase to his backpack. He was about to head to Disney World to prepare to shoot the promotion commercial. It was about 9 in the morning, and he had to be there a bit early. The rest of the family was also going, but not until around noon.

"Can you hand me that?" Cameron asked, pointing to his deodorant on the bed. Ada nodded, sliding it over with her foot. "I don't have time for smelly pits today."

Ada let out a giggle as she laid down on the bed. She chuckled as Cameron tickled the bottom of her foot, causing her to kick at him. "How long is the commercial going to take?"

"Uhh," Cameron thought for a second. "Might take a couple of hours. Depends on what exactly they want me to do. But, I'm sure it won't take too long," he said, zipping up his backpack as Ada nodded. "But if I have time after I finish, you're going on Space Mountain with me."

"It better not go upside down," Ada warned as Cameron put on a sinister smile.

"Nah, it's just fast. It jerks you around a little. But if you get on that with me, I'll get on the Little Mermaid bullshit thing with you, since you're into stuff like that," Cameron offered.

"They have a Little Mermaid ride?! What does it do?" Ada asked, her head perking up a bit.

"Duh, it's Disney World. Everything Disney is there, stupid," he joked as she rolled her eyes. "And you just sit in this little cart thing and-... you'll see."

"I've never been, how was I supposed to know?!" she laughed as Cameron shook his head.

"Context clues, use them-"

"Cam! I'm heading down!" Victor said from the other room.

"Coming!" he replied before turning his attention back to Ada. "Alright, when I'm finished shooting, I'm going to meet up with you. And we are getting on Space Mountain! And remember the parade at-"

"2:30," Ada finished, showing Cameron that she wrote the time down on the back of her hand.

"Hell yeah," he laughed as he slung his bag on his shoulder, getting ready to head to the door before pausing. He jogged back to the bed, grabbing Ada by the foot and dragging her to the edge, causing her to let out a small squeal and a laugh. She sighed happily as he planted a kiss on her lips before he stood back up, finally heading to the door.

"2:30!" he semi-shouted as he headed out the door.

"2:30," Ada repeated, softly giggling as she watched the door close.


Ada smiled as she watched Kamlyn and Shia take a picture in front of the Cinderella castle. She looked up at it, admiring the pretty and majestic fixture. They had just arrived at the park, and there were so many interesting sights. Her eyes were constantly roaming around behind her rose-colored sunglasses, which only added to the beauty of her surroundings.

It was packed with people, and already Ada noticed the buzz of excitement of all of the park-goers because of the celebrity parade happening. While they were entering and checking in their tickets, the family had heard Cameron's name probably about one hundred times from near-by people who were talking about how he was at the park. Little did those people know his entire family was right in front of them, which made the Boyce family snicker in delight.

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