four: routines...

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That's why I surprise and give you stacks to ease your worried mind
Cause when I'm gone lil' mama home alone at every time
You never blown my phone up yet cause you respect the grind
And you never holla bout a problem keep it on the line


Cameron grinned as he got out of his car, watching as Tyler parked right across from him in the guest parking space. He pressed the button on his keys locking his own car, making the headlights flash and the horn to quickly beep creating an echo throughout the parking garage.

"Bro, you need a tracking device or something," Tyler chuckled as he got out of his car before reaching down to press the button to pop his trunk as Cameron walked to him.

"Why do you say that?" Cameron asked sarcastically, watching as the trunk opened showcasing the many gifts from his birthday party.

"Because, I have never heard of someone who has to schedule a time to pick up their birthday gifts!" Tyler exclaimed. "And, you got a lot of stuff! I'll help you take them up."

Cameron nodded as he reached down, beginning to grab some of the bags. "I appreciate you for holding onto them bruh."

Tyler nodded as they held the many bags in their hands. And even then, there were still a few more left, but Cameron knew they wouldn't be able to add them to their full hands.

"I can come back and get those. I gotta come back down because I forgot to get something out my trunk too," Cameron shrugged. Tyler nodded, hitting the button on his keys that lowered his trunk before locking his car doors.

"Where you just coming from? Looking snazzed up," Tyler complimented as they began to walk to the main doors, observing Cameron's outfit that consisted of slacks and a neatly pressed dress shirt.

"Had a little charity meeting earlier. With the board members of some food bank we're trying to partner with," Cameron explained, referring to the Thirst Project. He dug into his pocket the best he could with the bags in the way, fishing out his key card before he held it up to the scanner. The sound of the doors unlocking echoed a bit as they automatically opened, allowing them to step through.

"How was Florida?" Tyler asked as they walked down the hallway to the elevator.

"That shit was exhausting, it was hot as hell out there. I was sweating bullets the entire time," Cameron shook his head as he tried to keep a grip on the bags in his hands.

"Damn, hotter than out here?" Tyler asked, to which Cameron nodded as they stepped onto the elevator and he immediately pressed the button for the 11th floor to take them up to his condo.

"Hot as fucking fire," Cameron huffed as the doors closed.

When they got up to the condo, Cameron and Tyler sat the gifts on the floor in the living room, creating a big pile.

"We can just put them here, I'll get them later," Cameron said as he briefly scanned the room and then out at the balcony, not seeing Ada. He figured she was in the bedroom. "You chilling here for a sec?"

"Oh nah, I have to go get my camera fixed," Tyler frowned, causing Cameron to burst into laughter. Taj's one year old son, Isaac, ended up pushing Tyler's camera off of a coffee table. The result was it having a cracked lens and a piece broken off that the baby was found sucking on when Mercedes discovered what had happened. Tyler literally teared up when he saw the slain camera.

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