twentyeight: for now.

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"...soooo?" Ada repeated after Lauryn who was laying across the edge of her bed, looking at her with a hesitant expression.

"...Are you gonna go to court with Cam too?" Lauryn asked.

"Duh," Ada chuckled as she continued taking out the new sundresses she bought out of the shopping bags and transporting them to her suitcase.

"That doesn't make you nervous? Like, to find out the creepy person is who took pictures of you?"

"Yes it's creepy but... well, yes I do want to know who took pictures of me, and I want them in jail," Ada stated, making Lauryn let out a quick burst of laughter.

"Okay, I don't think they're going to jail. You can sue them for all that they're worth though," Lauryn shrugged her shoulders as she reached over into the pile of clothes on the bed, deciding to help Ada pack out of boredom. "What time do y'all have to be there?"

"8:30 in the freakin' morning," Ada groaned. "I liked sleeping in so far. I'm gonna fall asleep at the table."

"Have you every been to court before?" Lauryn asked out of curiosity.

"Mmm... a couple of times. For foster stuff, you know? But I always just sat on those benches outside, I never was in the room. The only time I ever was in a court room was when I was like... 4? But I barely remember. Actually I don't think I remember anything really, just that I was with my dad and I know my grandma was there. I don't know what for. I probably fell asleep during it," Ada giggled, shaking her head.

"So wild... you're going to court tomorrow and then hopping on a flight to Hawaii the next day. Real boss type shit," Lauryn laughed.

"Shut up," Ada shook her head, grinning goofily. "Plus, it's not court, we're not going to court yet. Cameron said we're just meeting with the heads of the hospital because they have someone who wants to confess to doing it."

"Wait, someone is confessing?!" Lauryn asked, her eyebrows arched in surprise.

"That's what Cam told me. Said someone was turning themselves in," Ada shrugged.

"Do you have an idea who did it? Like... who took the pictures? You think it was one of the doctors or something?"

Ada chewed her bottom lip before shrugging again. "I'm guessing. It has to have been someone who worked there. I saw the pictures-"

"Oh my god, you saw them?" Lauryn grimaced.

"Yeah... on accident... well not really on accident, I googled my name. I was curious of what they looked like," Ada sighed. "I wish I hadn't though."

"Aw," Lauryn grimaced. She, like everyone else that pays attention to celebrity gossip, had seen the pictures. She wasn't going to even attempt to lie and cheer Ada up about them. The pictures were horrifyingly saddening, capturing the worst of her.

"But anyway, there's the one of me that someone took from outside. But then there's one of me literally in the little rec room. So it has to be a worker. But... I don't know, I guess I'll see tomorrow," Ada stated.

"Yeah. And then we'll be in Hawaii!" Lauryn exclaimed, lifting the mood as she did a little dance, whipping her hair.

"All I want is to get in some water," Ada sighed.

"Girl y'all have that fat ass pool outside, you better get in that!" Lauryn exclaimed, gesturing her hand toward the backyard. The sound of a lawn mower being heard from the open window as a gardener tended to their grass.

"I know but... I want to feel the ocean. It's different," Ada stated before perking up when she heard a small alarm go off followed by a robotic voice announcing "front door opened". She smiled, knowing Cameron had just got home.

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