twentyfour: strong.

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Ada took a deep breath in as the cold chest-piece of the stethoscope planted itself on her skin. Inhaling and exhaling as the doctor mumbled to herself, listening to Ada's heartbeat. She tried her best to hold back the sneeze that was trying to tickle its way into her nose, knowing she would be eternally embarrassed if she sneezed in this lady's face. She had caught a cold from one of the other patients and was sent to get checked out. This came just in time though because she had been set up for a maternity check up while there at the facility, so she would have had to be examined by the sour, pinch-faced doctor anyway.

"One more big breath. Okay, exhale slowly," the doctor instructed, pressing the stethoscope so hard into Ada's chest that she thought she would leave an imprint. The woman listened for a second before sighing as she unplugged her ears. "Okay, heart rate is good. What is up with your breathing, why are you breathing so heavy? There's a lot of rasp there."

"...I have a cold?" Ada stated hoarsely through her sore throat, a bit perplexed by the question. Thinking that the doctor had been informed of Ada's current immunity state.

"Oh I thought you were just here for prenatal care? Well, first things first is to definitely get rid of this cold. You'll be prescribed antibiotics. Are you on the pill list? Do they have you taking any pills?"

Ada nodded, giving a small sigh. She was definitely on pills now and she hated it. Swallowing anti-depressants and anxiety meds every morning which became her least favorite time of the day because of the guaranteed incoming terrible sensation going down her throat. At first, they weren't going to prescribe her anything since she was pregnant. But she was down so bad that they had to give in and give her pregnancy-safe ones. If not for those meds, she would probably still be in a dangerous state.

Not only were the pills helping, but the treatment really was moving her along. She almost felt normal again, her mind no longer muddled with evil thoughts. Sitting with Dr. Kelly and Dr. Dionne, crying and screaming and letting out every emotion she ever had slapped into her body until a foreign calmness took over. Being taught how to meditate and getting comfortable with speaking her thoughts out loud. Learning how to stop lying to herself and others about the truth of her feelings no matter how others will react. Getting used to putting herself first.

And it was all paying off. And Ada was so proud of herself so far.

"How much did you weigh in at your last doctor's appointment?" the doctor asked as Ada laid on her back, moving the ultrasound monitor over her stomach.

"Um..." Ada thought for a second. "Like... 124?"

"Okay... I see that you weighed in at 168 today, how long ago was that appointment?"

"...168?!" Ada asked, a bit jarred.

"Yes 168, how long ago was your last appointment?" the doctor asked again, this time with annoyance in her voice.

"Um... I don't remember, two, three months ago? I can't remember..." Ada sighed. Truth was, much of the past few months felt like a blur. Almost like she lost her memory. It all seemed rushed together as she thought back.

"Okay well that's over a 40 pound weight gain, that's why I'm trying to figure out the last time. You weighed in at 147 when you were checked into this facility so... I mean it's not too bad, you are going on 7 months. And the medicine you're on might make you bloat and you might get a lot of water retention so watch out for that! Try to eat a bit healthier from now on, huh? No more little Debbie Cakes in the cafeteria," the doctor suggested, a hint of snarky sarcasm and attitude in bored tone of voice as she stared at the ultrasound monitor and checked out the baby.

Ada furrowed her eyebrows before rolling her eyes. She couldn't wait to get up and leave from this little check up, the lady was getting on her nerves with her abrupt rudeness.

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