thirtytwo: assured solace. (1/2)

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Ada sat the diaper bag in the backseat before ensuring the baby's carseat was secured. She was on her way to visit Cameron on set of a photoshoot he was doing. Eden was currently on a vacation, so Ada decided to step in and bring him some food and have lunch with him.

After getting into her Jeep, Ada made her way out the driveway, making sure to get the freshly delivered mail from the mailbox on her way. She decided to stop by one of Cameron's favorite restaurants, ordering them some Acai bowls. While she sat in the drive thru line, she began to shuffle through the mail. Like always, every envelope was addressed to "Cameron Boyce" and "Tier inc.". But then to Ada's surprise, she saw her name addressed on one. And her heart slightly dropped, seeing the sender's name at the top right.

Isaiah Brownward-Childs

Her brain wouldn't allow her to hesitate to open it. Inserting her finger under the flap and tearing it open. A folded up paper fell out onto her lap. She picked it up, unfolding it and revealing a handwritten letter.


Hello, I hope you're doing well. I'm reaching out through letter because I have tried repeatedly to get in contact with you, but I'm sure you probably blocked me on all social media. Which I understand, and I'm still so sorry about what I did. But this is not about me, it's about our mom. She was diagnosed with leukemia a year ago and it's not looking too good right now. I'm not sure how you feel about her, but I did want to give you the opportunity to know what was happening with her and her decline in health. Her address and phone number is on the back. My number is there too.

I hope you're doing good, and congratulations on the new baby.


Ada jumped as she finished reading when a horn sounded off from the car behind her. She realized that the line had moved up, so gently pressed the gas to catch up. She bit her lip, looking down at the letter as she let her window down.

"Hello what can I get you today?"

"Hello," Ada began as she folded the letter up and swiftly stuck it into her dashboard before speaking into the intercom. "Can I order two of your strawberry banana açaí bowls?"


Ada stood quietly off to the side in the darkness of the studio. She watched as Cameron sat on the floor, a camera man taking multiple shots of him while he posed. Cameron glared into the camera as he rested his arms on top of his knees. He then shifted into a neutral face, shifting his body a little. He had saw that Ada arrived so he tried his best to stay focused. The bag of food sitting beside her on a table made his stomach rumble, and the faster he got through this outfit, the quicker he could eat.

"Alright," the camera man took one last photo before giving a smile to Cameron who took that as a signal that they were finished with modeling this particular outfit. Cameron gladly got up, immediately jogging to Ada.

"Hello," he grinned. "I didn't think you'd be here today?"

"I knew Eden was gone so I wanted to make sure you ate," Ada shrugged, gently touching the fabric of the designer sweater he was sporting.

"Thank youuu," Cameron grinned as she handed him the bag. "Come on, let me get out this and we can eat."

But first Cameron reached into the carseat, picking up a half asleep Kambri. He snuggled her for a second just as Winona came back into the studio after taking a phone call... or well, taking some of it outside.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, listen. We need those documents pronto- oh hello! Carl give me a sec, the wife's here," Winona hurriedly hushed the person before giving a wide smile. "Ada, sweet pea, how are ya?"

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