nineteen: sacrifice (1/2).

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Cameron peeked around the corner, being discreet and making sure he couldn't be seen as he watched Dr. Dionne talk to Ada. She was sitting on the couch beside her, holding Ada's hands in hers as she asked her questions. She had come over to assess her, trying to see where she was mentally and to give the family further guidance on how to help her.

Dionne had shooed Cameron away, wanting to assess Ada without any interference. Which was hard, because Ada kept getting overly anxious. Every ten minutes or so, Cameron would secretly come and check to see if they were done. But it was going on an hour and a half and he was getting antsy.

Cameron poked his head over, careful to be quiet as he watched. But he got startled when he felt a tap on his shoulder, letting out a quiet yelp before flying behind the wall, making both Dionne and Ada look in question where he once stood. Cameron inhaled, afraid he'd been caught before furrowing his eyebrows in irritation at Victor who was silently chuckling.

"What are you doing?" Victor asked with a humored look on his face.

"Shh, I'm not supposed to be here," Cameron frantically whispered, trying to hush his dad.

"Yeah, I know you're not supposed to be here, that's why I am questioning why are you here?" Victor teasingly smirked.

Cameron shushed him again, putting his hand up and checking around the corner. "Dad, be quiet- oh, hello," he immediately smiled innocently as Dionne came around the corner, her arms crossed with an eyebrow cocked.

"Hello. I see your back," Dionne chuckled. Cameron sheepishly nodded while Victor shook his head with a grin.

"So, I think I'm done with the assessment. Um... I have a suggestion based on my analysis but I think we should sit down and talk about it, it might be... um-"

Dionne went silent as Ada came around the corner. She was fiddling with her sleeves, about to go on a hunt throughout the house for Cameron, but had physical relief shown in her body when she laid eyes on him. Cameron smiled as she immediately went into his arms.

"Hello," Cameron softly greeted her, grinning as he squeezed her. Libby also came out into the main part of the house, having just finished working online for the day. She smiled and greeted Dionne.

"Okay, good everyone is here. So... I have a few recommendations. There is the Carilion clinic, which is located in Van Nuys, just thirty minutes from here. However, they do have a pretty lengthy stay policy of about 120 days, but on the flip side they have a very reassuring and caring staff. And then another option-"

"Wait, wait, I'm sorry," Libby interrupted with a confused and surprised look on her face. "Um... what exactly are we talking about here? Are you suggesting... that..."

Libby trailed off as Dionne bit her bottom lip and nodded. Victor sighed and Cameron felt his heart drop as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Um... Can we um... talk outside," Cameron hurriedly suggested as he glanced down at Ada. Dionne followed his eyes, seeing Ada simply staring at the wall as she laid her head on Cameron's shoulder, oblivious that they were discussing her fate at the moment.

"Yeah... yeah sure," Dionne nodded, following behind Libby and Victor as they made their toward the glass door, beginning to mumble amongst themselves.

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