seventeen: ...sorry.

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I should have bought you flowers
And held your hand...


"Baby! Cameron!... Baby!"

Cameron let out a small grunt, feeling something on top of him. He opened his eyes, seeing Ada sitting on him, gently shaking him as she smiled.


"Hmm? What?" Cameron groggily answered, but paused as Ada started kissing all over his face. He tiredly smiled, chuckling before she kissed his lips. "Mmm, be careful, I probably have morning breath."

He felt her grab his hand as she stood up, trying to make him get up. He let out a groan as he sat up, feeling his back pop a little from being sore as a result of a really intense boxing training session he had the night before.

"What- where we going?" he asked, rubbing sleep dust from his eye as Ada led him out of the bedroom.

"C'mon baby," was all she said as she squeezed his hand gently as they made their way to the living room and kitchen.

"...oh... damn," Cameron paused and looked at the kitchen, his eyebrows raising at the sight. There was an array of food set out on the island. Eggs, bacon, sausage, hashbrowns and all kinds of fruit. In the middle of the dishes seemed to be chocolate chip waffles... cut into hearts.

"Happy Valentine's Day," Ada said sweetly, smiling as she squeezed his hand, looking up at him with loving eyes.

"Valentine's?- OH!" Cameron froze for a split second, his heart dropping a little as he caught himself and tried to get rid of the fear that struck on his face. "V-Valentine's Day! Oh baby, Happy Valentine's Day!" he tried to save face, cooing and chuckling as he quickly moved in and hugged her.

"I made you breakfast!" Ada giddily grinned, swiping her arm out and showcasing her work.

"You did! Wow," Cameron said through a smile, feeling himself swallow hard as she grabbed his hand again and brought him to take a seat on one of the barstools.

"Here, I already made your plate for you!" she said, reaching over and grabbing a plate full of food and sitting it in front of him, kissing his cheek.

Cameron examined it, seeing that she had arranged the food very neatly. Berries laid out making a heart and the waffles having sliced strawberries with white chocolate syrup drizzled. Cameron was speechless as Ada grabbed her own plate as she sat on the stool beside him, rambling excitedly.

"And don't worry, the bacon and sausage are turkey, not pork! Because I know you're on that diet thing. And the syrup is sugar free, and look, I got the white chocolate kind! You know, the same kind that you ate at that restaurant we went to for brunch a while ago and you said how much you liked it, remember?"

"Yeah! I do..." Cameron looked at everything, feeling flabbergasted. "You did all of this?"

"Mhmm! I woke up really early, since you like to wake up at the crack of dawn," Ada giggled, grabbing the pitcher of orange juice, pouring some in a wine glass. "Here you go," she smiled as she handed it to him, sitting on the barstool beside him.

"... This is amazing, thank you so much," Cameron thanked her, leaning in and giving her a kiss. Ada smiled, kissing his lips a few times before pulling away.

"Oh wait! Can we exchange gifts first? I really want to give you yours!" she hopped down not waiting for an answer, scurrying off.

"Uh, yeah o-okay!" Cameron agreed before mouthing "Fuck, shit" to himself, lightly banging his fist on the table in frustration.

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