twentynine: always trouble in paradise.

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Honolulu was magical so far. The group had spent an amazing night on a yacht and were now checked into a gorgeous villa on a resort thanks to Cameron. Sophie had caught a flight to her next work destination. That left Cameron, Ada, Lauryn, and Isis in one half of the villa and Taj, Mercedes, and Tyler in another.

It was now morning time, near lunch. Cameron and Tyler were out on the balcony, chatting while drinking some beers. Lauryn and Taj could be heard joking around, and Isis was blasting music as she got ready for the day in the bathroom, the melodies softly carrying outside.

Cameron squinted his eye, taking a sip of his drink before biting his lip. "...You know what I've been thinking about lately Ty?"

"What? What'cha been thinking about? You are always thinking," Ty smirked teasingly as he glanced at him before leaning backwards from the wood railings with his head thrown back, letting the sun lather his face.

"...About... okay, this is going to sound so deep-"

"You're always deep, philosophical for no damn reason," Taj jokingly complained, making Cameron suck his teeth and quietly chuckle.

"Hey, I can't help it... but I've been thinking about... this fame thing. Being famous. Thinking about that concept really hard lately."

"I'm guessing because those leeches won't leave you alone?" Ty nodded his head as discreetly as he could toward the path near the resort, cameramen milling around and taking pictures of Cam and Ty as they stood outside chatting.

"Yes, those... neanderthals over there definitely influenced my thinking... I don't like fame. I hate it. If it comes with all this bullshit, I hate it," Cameron sighed.

"You don't seem like the 'luring for fame' type Cam."

"I'm not. Never have been... I just love what I do. I love acting. I love dancing. I love modeling. I really love it, I can't see myself doing anything else. But... man, I have zero privacy. Zero," Cameron shook his head.

"Yeah... yeah I hear you bruh," Ty agreed.

"And you know what worries me the most right now?... what if this isn't even the worst of it? Like... I begin production on the biopic in just a couple of months from now. And I know that when I start that, the media will be on my back 24/7, this movie is expected to be a blockbuster! I can't handle the way the media is treating me right now, I don't know what I'll do if this intensifies..."

"Yeah... I mean... I know this stuff can be annoying. Paparazzi, large crowds wherever you go, social media- all of that, I know it can be stressful. But just look at it as... a symbol of success! You know you're doing something right if everyone is checking for you. Just... keep looking forward," Tyler slowly tried his best to advise.

Cameron was already looking forward. Straight directly into the cameras who were profiting simply from his existence. A jittery feeling came into his stomach, and for just a hot second, he saw red.

"Um... I'm gonna go and get my clothes on. Get ready for the day. Everyone wants to go four wheeling, right?" Cameron asked, his voice a bit shaky, causing him to clear his throat as he hurriedly backed up from the railings.

He could hear Tyler say "yeah" from behind him as he carried himself into the villa. Trying to stop the feeling of his blood rising. Lauryn was at the kitchenette, chopping up fruit. Taj was laying on the couch, play-wrestling with Mercedes... although Cameron was sure it was going to turn real in a second.

"Ow Taj damn, you play too much!"

"I didn't even hit you that hard- ow!"

"You want some?" Lauryn asked, holding out a bowl of sliced berries and pineapples to Cameron.

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