fourteen: the breakdown.

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"Cut! That's a wrap! Good job!" the director of 'Jessie' called out.

Cameron grinned as he fell out of character, clapping and cheering alongside everyone else.

"Pose for a picture! Before you go to your dressing rooms!" Harry, Karan's father called out, holding his phone up. The other parents also held their phones up, wanting to capture their children in their costumes on set.

Cameron chuckled as Peyton hugged him before he wrapped an arm around Skai's shoulders, Karan bending down in front of them.

"Alright, say cheese everybody!"

"Cheese!" Cameron merrily hummed through a toothy smile.


Ada sat on the uncomfortable bench at a police station. Her eyes and cheeks were sore from crying, her tear ducts unable to produce anymore. She subconciously kept touching at the bandage on her cheek as she stared at the ground, trembling.

"So what about the surviving kid?" the front desk clerk asked the female officer that was in charge of watching over the blood-stained and traumatized child that was sullenly sitting across from them.

The officer gave a sigh and a shrug as she glanced over at the sniffling and distraught girl. "They're trying to locate any relatives. But if no one comes up, I guess she's headed into the system."


"Hah! You're it!"

Cameron frowned as Lauryn gave him a tap on his arm before she ran away. He grinned evilly as Taj was right beside him. He dove for him, but the older boy was too fast. "I'm gonna get you!"

"No you not!" Taj yelled back. Cameron gave up on the chase before setting his eyes on Tyler who was running past. He easily caught up with him.

"I got Dreadz! I got Dreadz!" Cameron smiled in triumph before running away after he tapped Tyler on his back.

"Dang it!" Tyler laughed before chasing after his younger friend. "I'm getting you back!"

"You can't get me! You can't get me!" 12 year old Cameron teased. He laughed in delight as he continued playing tag with his best friends.


Ada frowned as she watched the Simmons kids play their playstation. "Why I can't play?"

"Cuz you ugly," Liyah grinned with her eyes glued to the TV as the other kids giggled.

"She said she ugly," Trent hysterically laughed.

Ada rolled her eyes before walking away. She went to the printer in the corner of the room, taking a stray piece of paper out of it and grabbing a pen and deciding to just go and draw outside alone like she always did.

"And my mama said stop taking all her printer paper or you gone pay to get it refilled!" TiTi yelled after her.


"What kind are you gonna get?"

Cameron raised an eyebrow before shrugging as he looked over the ice cream flavors. "Uh... chocolate?"

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