thirtyone: new little things.

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All of the good things, good things
Only the good, the good, the good

All of the good things, good things
Only the good, the good, the good



With his pointer finger, Cameron made an invisible line across the huge trifold cardboard propped up behind his desk. His mouth moving with information as he successfully hid his nerves while two suited businessmen sat in the chairs in front of him listening intently, their faces stern. This was something he did often but never failed to make him break a sweat in anticipation. One would think being one of the most popular guys in the world would give some kind of boost to this skill, but every single time Cameron found himself having to swallow a lump of nerves down his throat before every sentence. Pointing to his merchandise that his wife helped to sketch drawings of, his other hand rubbing his beard.

"As you can see here, we've decided to add on to our kids branch of the line. More so for pre teens. Focusing more on outerwear. Jackets, raincoats, beanies. Maybe some socks and scarves, mittens... for the colder states of course-"

"So what you're saying is these particular items would only be available in the winter?" asked one of the men as he readjusted his glasses.

"Actually, our idea was to-" Cameron tried to explain but he furrowed his eyebrows when there was a small knock on his office door followed by the handle slightly jiggling.

There was a faint and incomprehensible high pitched yell that came from behind the door. This made Cameron sigh as the two men turned in their seats, looking at the door in question.

"I'm so, so sorry, just one moment please gentlemen," Cameron sheepishly apologized.

"Yes, of course," one of the men nodded before they looked at each other with bland looks before looking at their watches.

Cameron opened the double doors, revealing an innocent little face with a thumb in its mouth. "Hey, Kimmie go in the living room, okay?" he quickly tried to send her off in a hushed voice so that he could finish his meeting.

"Dada," she quietly whined, her deep brown eyes that were identical to his beginning to glisten as she held her arms up to him, making Cameron melt and his demanding demeanor weaken. This left him with no choice but to squat down, letting her toddle into his arms and latch onto his shirt as she tried to make him pick her up.

Thankfully Ada came around the corner, a small smile on her face as she held out a hand, her long silk house robe hanging off her shoulders and trailing delicately on the floor behind her. "Kimmie, come on sweetheart," she beckoned softly.

Kimberli's lip began to quiver before she started to cry, holding her small hands out to Cameron as Ada picked her up. Cameron sighed, rubbing her hand to attempt to calm her as he nervously glanced over his shoulder at the waiting businessmen.

Ada placed Kimberli onto her hip. Snuggling her, cooing with a soft and sweet voice as she lovingly placed her cheek against hers. "Oh Kimmie, don't cry. Come with mommy. Wanna help me paint, huh Bunny?"

"Mommy paint?" Kimberli questioned in a sorrowful yet curious voice.

Cameron closed his eyes, letting out a small sigh of relief as they walked down the hall, Kimberli's cries turning to giggles as Ada kissed her face. Returning into the room with new solitude, Cameron gave another apologetic smile to his visitors.

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