twentyfive: back to me.

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Cameron ripped some tape off before putting it over the creases of the box, sealing it shut before he picked it up.

"Okay, here is the last one," Cameron slightly grunted as he handed the heavy box filled with kitchen ware over to the huge, towering and burly man who grabbed the box with ease.

"Alright. What about any other furniture, you guys need your couches and stuff like that moved too?" the man asked, his Italian accent thick as he glanced around at the basically bare condo.

"Um, oh, no sir. Those are being sent to charity. That's all I needed!" Cameron said with a smile.

"Alright, Mr. Boyce we'll transport all of your things with good care. You have a nice day," the man gave a wide smile before making his way down the hall along with two other moving men.

Cameron shut the door, turning around and looking at his empty place. It was a weird yet familiar feeling. It had not been too long away that they were moving in and now they were going on to live in an actual house. A three bedroom house with three full bathrooms, a basement, a pool and a spacious backyard in Santa Monica. Just twenty minutes from the rest of his family and very close to the beach.

He couldn't move in for another week due to the floors being touched up, but he figured he could at least get most of their stuff there before officially moving in. They'd just have to stay with his parents for a hot second. He had already had the movers take their mattress and box spring, and bought a brand new bedroom set, but he wanted to wait until Ada got home before he picked out anything else. He wanted her to be involved in furnishing their new house, even though she had absolutely no idea that he had bought it yet.

"Hellooooo? Knock knock?" could be heard from the hall followed by the rapping of knuckles on the door. Cameron chuckled as he rushed to open it again, seeing Victor.

"Why would you close AND lock it when you knew I was coming back up here?" Victor asked as he shook his head, stretching his arms out a little after helping the movers carry boxes while Cameron cracked up laughing.

"Sorry," Cameron shrugged before doing a spin and then sliding over to the fridge that now only consisted of water bottles. He grabbed one, untwisting the cap before taking a swig.

"You must be really excited, I'm surprised you haven't run out of fuel yet. Been bouncing off the walls since I got here," Victor chuckled.

"I get my baby back, I get my baby back todayyyy," Cameron sang as he danced around happily, making Libby chuckle as she and Kamlyn came from his bedroom where they had packed up Ada's clothing and shoes into suitcases for her.

"Sing it Cam, sing it!" Kamlyn laughed as Cameron belted out a long note, goofily leaning back with his arms up.

He chuckled as Shia grabbed the water from his hand, putting it up to her lips and chugging it. "Shia? You could've just asked for your own one?!" Cameron could do nothing but laugh.

"Don't even mind Shia, she's in a little mood," Kamlyn chuckled as Shia stormed away dramatically to the corner of the room where her tablet was charging, still chugging the water.

"Okay, but why did she have to steal my water?!" Cameron questioned, giggling as he went to grab another one.

"What time is Ada coming home?" Kamlyn asked, pushing one of the suitcases up against the wall.

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