two: new adventures.

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Cameron smiled up at his father's phone as Victor hovered over his plane seat, snapping pictures of everyone. Ada gave a smile before looking away, getting camera shy. She faced forward as Shia peeked over the seat that was in front of them.

"Unc Vic said we going to Disneyland," she informed her, causing Ada to nod and smile.

"We're going to the one in Florida, which is Disney World," Kamlyn corrected her as she readjusted Shia's headband on her head for her.

"You excited? You get to see Minnie," Cameron playfully tapped her fingers, causing her to giggle.

Cameron's last "Disney gig" was finally happening. His Disney contract was about to officially be up by next month. Though he hadn't really done anything for Disney since Descendants 3, he was invited to Disney World along with some others to be in the celebrity parade and to also do a promotion commercial for the theme park to appear on the Disney Channel. He also had a few more job opportunities to take on during this little visit. 

Since he was going to be working in Florida, the Boyce family figured that they would travel with him and make a family vacation out of it. This would be the first one they had in a long while, and they were all very excited about it. Also, Cameron's birthday had just passed, so it was like a celebration of birthday and work and vacation all rolled into one for him.

"Was Maya able to get time off?" Nana asked as she got situated in her seat, letting Libby help her shove her purse under the seat in front of her.

"No. She tried, but you know how strenuous their rehearsals are, and they're opening next week," Victor informed as he frowned before he took a picture of his father, who was waving his hand at him to knock it off. Maya was now a freshman in college, studying theatre at NYU. Of course, she was prepping for an upcoming show, so she unfortunately wasn't going to make this family vacation.

"Victor, that's enough pictures, you're going to run out of phone storage," Libby joked as she pulled on Victor's arm, trying to make him sit.

"We have to capture memories!" Victor argued, taking a few more pictures before reluctantly sitting down as the pilot began to make his announcements about their upcoming departure.

Ada watched as everyone began to put their seatbelts on, so she followed suit. She was a little overwhelmed with the whole "airport" and "flying" thing. The entire ordeal was confusing, and she found herself constantly unsure of what to do next, following behind the family as they moved through the airport. It seemed like this was a very easy breezy routine for them, and it was evident that plane trips were nothing out of the ordinary for them.

She was utterly confused when she was forced to take off her shoes at TSA, and was mortified as they patted her down at the end, being groped damn near in places she herself nor even Cameron had ever touched. Plus, there was a lot of waiting and walking, and she was sure it wouldn't have felt so disorienting if she hadn't only gotten two and a half hours of sleep. She just simply held onto Cameron's arm as he led them through what seemed like a never ending loop of waiting lines and checkpoints.

She watched as Cameron settled back in his seat, beginning to search for a movie on the touch screen on the back of the seat in front of him. She scoured the plane, taking in the many people that were also seated in first class with them before watching the Boyce family as they talked across the aisles to each other. She was trying to fixate on something to calm her nerves, having a feeling that they'd be going into the air pretty soon. But she was pulled away when she felt a tap on her shoulder, making her look at Cameron as he held out a stick of gum.

"For when we get in the air, when your ears start popping," he informed as he went back to the touch screen, looking over his options. Ada gave a nod before slightly jumping as the plane started moving. She looked over Cameron and out of the window, seeing that the plane was indeed moving. She bit her lip as she slowly reached for Cameron's hand, grasping it. He soon subconsciously let go of her hand, putting his arm around her instead as he was very concentrated on the touch screen since it was glitching out a bit, not playing the movie he wanted.

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