eight: modes of ada.

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"You hear that?" the doctor asked smiling over at Ada, her eyebrows raised cheerfully as she held the ultrasound scanner on her 7-week stomach. Ada paused as she heard the thumping drum-like sound coming through the speaker.

"That the baby's?" Cameron asked, his eyebrows raised as he listened as well, shifting his weight on his feet as he stood beside Ada as she laid down on the exam table.

"Yep. That's your baby's heartbeat!" the woman smiled wider.

"Whoa," Cameron said quietly as he grinned down at Ada. "That's the baby," he said a bit in disbelief.

Ada shared the same emotion as him as she listened to the rhythm. She was speechless as she felt Cameron grab her hand before bringing it to his lips, giving it a soft kiss while their baby's heartbeat played a melody for them.


Ada stared down at the ultrasound pictures that she held in her hand while she sipped on a smoothie. Apparently, the deformed looking human fetus in the picture was inside of her. Not that she fully believed it at the moment. She was now 13 weeks pregnant, not that she or anyone else could really tell. Her stomach was still pretty flat. It just looked like she was bloated, much how she looked when she was on her period.

The only evidence that she had another life inside of her were the aches and pains of the first trimester. This ultrasound didn't mean much to her like she felt like it should. Even when they heard the baby's heartbeat again at the appointment they had just left. She felt detached from what was going on inside of her. And it bothered her.

"When did she say we can find out whether it was going to be a boy or girl again?" she asked Cameron as they sat at a red light.

He was texting on his phone before he glanced over at her. "Um... I think..." he began to say, but trailed off as his focus went deeper onto whatever was happening on his phone.

Ada saw she had lost his attention, so she just took another sip of her smoothie before looking down at the pictures again. The doctor had created a message on it, a "Hi Mom and Dad!" written next to the fetus. Ada bit her lip before she tucked the pictures back into the envelope they came in.

"Cameron," she quietly said as she nudged his thigh, signaling for him to go since he hadn't noticed the light had changed.

"Oh," he whispered before clicking the phone off and sitting it in his lap before he continued to drive. It silent for a minute before something clicked in his head. "Wait, did you ask me something?"

"Do you remember when she said we can find out if it's a girl or boy?"

"She said by next appointment we should be able to tell," he confirmed as he yawned a little before picking his chicken wrap up to finish eating.

"Oh," she nodded before she sipped her smoothie again before frowning when she realized that hers was now gone. This made her sad, knowing that she already finished her chicken wrap too. And she was still hungry.

She looked over at Cameron as he ate. "Can I have some?" she asked sweetly.

Cameron looked at her, getting ready to say something teasingly mean but abruptly stopped himself, remembering the last time he denied Ada food:

Cameron had his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes squinted in confusion and a bit of fear as he sat in his bed. This was because Ada was standing in the doorway, her eyebrows angled in anger, her fists balled up at her sides as they stared at each other.

"...What?" Cameron hesitantly asked, slightly clenching the script he had been reading tighter as she began to move toward him.

"You. Ate. My. Fiddle Faddle," she said through clenched teeth, slowly coming toward him as she laid her eyes on the box of caramel popcorn sitting beside him on the bed. Cameron immediately sat the script down beside him, absolutely confused and petrified as she now stood at the edge of the bed looking like she was ready to attack at any second.

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