thirtythree: assured solace. (2/2)

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Cameron squinted his eyes a bit, the sun beating down on his face. Heat from the sky took over, and it felt so good to him. Laying on his back while he strummed his ukulele that rested on his stomach, his bucket hat threatening to fall over his eyes and a small amount of moisture making his back stick to the yoga mat beneath him. He could hear the sound of the ice cream truck in the distance as it began to make its round through the neighborhood, mixed with twittering birds and their small waterfall in the pool streaming water. Zsa Zsa's joyful barks echoed through the backyard as she followed behind Kimberli who was toddling barefoot in the grass, picking flowers for her parents and looking at insects in wonderment.

Cameron used his stomach muscles to sit up, his fingers dancing on the strings as he continued playing. Through his sunglasses, he could see Ada as she sat on her knees, watering her plants as she was finishing up with tending to her garden. Gently swaying her torso as she listened to his melody. Kambri was nestled on her chest in a baby sling, a tiny white bucket hat with sunflowers on it helping to shield her little face from the sun as she chewed on an almost melted teething ring.

"Dada," Cameron heard mumbled behind him. He turned his head, seeing Kimberli standing there with a shy look on her face, her cheeks innocently blushing as she held out a flower to him.

"Is that for me?" Cameron asked, smiling as she nodded and toddled closer to him. It was a dandelion, her tiny chubby fingers pinching the stem. "Thank you, you're so sweet! Gimme kiss."

She leaned in, placing the button of the pacifier that was in her mouth against her father's puckered lips, making him chuckle as he took the flower from her. She stepped into his lap, making him sit his ukulele down and snuggle her.

"Here, let's make a wish. Blow on it!" Cameron instructed, using this as an opportunity to take her binky from her mouth since were currently trying to wean her off of it. Kimberli nodded, though she was still unsure of what to do. She watched him pucker his lips into an O, so she did the same.

Ada smiled, seeing them blow on the flower together. The petals and specks of white seeds fluttering away from them. She was grateful that she had gotten her phone out just in time to snap a picture.

"I go play," Kimberli then stated.

"Oh okay, go ahead," Cameron snickered as she swiftly stood up and walked away to her sandbox.

"She's starting to speak more," Ada smiled as she carefully detached Kambri from her, laying her in the Moses basket beside Cameron.

"Yeah she's... learning a lot of new words... she already told me to shut up earlier when I said 'good morning'," Cameron raised an eyebrow.

"No, did she really?!"

"Yes, I'm sure it was from Isaac," Cameron stated before letting out a dramatic groan as Ada took her turn to climb onto his lap. "Damn, heavy ass."

"Shut the fuck up," Ada smacked her teeth.

"Okay, never mind, she learned it from your ass-"

"Blah blah blah," Ada spoke over him before giving a smile as Cameron shook his head as he laid back down, leaving Ada to sit on his lower stomach.

Ada watched as he closed his eyes, the sun beaming down into them. She ran her hands down his bare chest, scraping her nails gently just how he liked. Her fingers traveled to his rib cage where "Ada Sierra" was engrained in black ink on the right side with "Kimberli Rose" on the left.

"Is it still sore?" Ada asked, now pointing at his forearm where "Kambri Jade" was still semi fresh on his skin.

"Nah, not really," Cameron peeked at it, seeing it was settling nicely into his skin.

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