The Blonde Primacy

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y'all, I'm really starting to struggle with coming up with ✨poetic✨ titles for these, smh. 😔 enjoy!!

Song Credit: "FIN" by Jacks Haupt


Jughead Jones was the last person Veronica would think would come to her asking about sex. But, here he was in the Blue & Gold with her, sitting in his desk chair as the Lodge girl sat on the desk. 

"Jughead, trust me, I'm flattered, but why come to me with your questions?" she asked, tossing some hair over her left shoulder. "Well, you're a woman, and you', active," he said, cautious of his words. 

"And it was either you or Archie." Veronica's eyes widened slightly as she nodded slowly, remarking, "Good choice. You know what happens when you go to straight men for sex advice?" she asked. 

Jughead only shook his head slightly, holding back a laugh as she said, "Unwanted hand gestures and the orgasm gap." "Anyway," she returned with a small exhale. "Your questions; lay 'em out." 

"So...Betty and I've talked about it, briefly, and we both know we're ready. Do I...initiate, or--" "Let me cut you off there," she said, holding her palm out. "Please for the love of all that is good, let her initiate it. Even if you personally aren't like it, society has taught women to give it up and we'll get left after. Betty's real insecure about that."

He nodded, taking in her words with empathy. "How do I know when she's initiating?" Jughead asked, worried he'd miss her cues. "Oh, she'll tell you," Veronica answered. "She thinks communication is key, which means if she wants to get railed, she's gonna say something about it."

Jughead couldn't help but chuckle at her nonchalant tone, replying, "Thanks for that," with a smile. "Yeah, of course," she replied with a smile, slightly leaning back as she laughed. "Oh, and do not forget about foreplay. At least make sure it's not 'bang, done,'" she said with air quotes. 

"How do I know what she'll like?" "Ask her. Please don't be one of those dickwads that assumes she's into it just because you are. Check in, you know? Like, 'Does this feel good?' 'Are you okay?' 'What do you want?' stuff like that." 

"Most importantly," Veronica paused, taking a short, sharp inhale. "Make her your first priority."

He followed all of Veronica's instructions.


It was two nights later when Betty and Jughead were in the Jones' trailer, The two of them in his bed and kissing passionately. They'd been like this before, but they found a pattern of being interrupted-- Betty's mom calling, Jughead's dad coming home from work, the Serpents playing pranks.

She sighed his name between kisses and Jughead didn't know if she realized how wild the small act drove him, but the next thing he knew, his hands were leaving her face to go to her hips, pulling the blonde onto his lap. He swore at himself silently for the action, remembering Veronica's words. 

"I don't have a curfew tonight," she said softly, pulling away and very aware of the fact she was now straddling him. "My mom just wants me to call when I'm heading home." "My dad's working graveyard shift at Pop's," he replied. 

There was a brief moment of silence before Betty giggled and their lips met again, her eyebrows furrowing slightly before she was pulling away again with a simple, "Jug, I want," she paused, her hands playing with his shirt and eyes meeting his.

"I want you. Take me," she breathed out slowly. Her hands gripped his tricep and he smiled at her, one hand leaving her hip to meet her face, kissing her softly. "Okay," he smiled, her eyelashes fluttering as she blinked with big eyes. 

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