A Sweetheart In Common

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Song Credit: "She" by Harry Styles


"I meant to ask you," Jughead started to say, looking at the blonde in his arms as the two laid stark beneath their covers. "What were you thinking about earlier? When I came home?"

When Jughead came home, he found his girlfriend in their bed with her eyes closed and a pillow between her legs.

"Oh, um," Betty paused, trying to figure out how best to word her response. "It's okay if it wasn't me," the Jones man chuckled, knowing that sometimes Betty would think of random things or memories of porn she'd watched in the past.

"No, it was," she said, interlacing their fingers. "It's just...you weren't the only one." "Oh?" Jughead asked, raising an eyebrow and looking down at the blonde with a grin. His arm drew her closer as if nudging her for elaboration and making her chuckle in the process.

Betty hated to be a walking bisexual misconception, but she had always noticed how her heart fluttered at the thought of being one of three people in a bedroom.

"I love you, Jug, truly," she said. "Mind, body, and soul," the blonde added, punctuating each bullet on her list with a kiss to her boyfriend's chest. "But I was thinking about being...shared." "Yeah?" Jughead asked, kissing the top of her head. "With who?"

"I don't know," she answered, cuddling closer to her lover. "It was just a person." "Girl? Boy?" he asked, his bent index finger running along her cheek gently. "That time it was a girl," she answered. "But it alternates."

"Is that something you want?" the Jones man asked as Betty finally met his gaze. "What, you mean like...you'd actually, I don't know...be open to it?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows and a smile.

"If you want it," Jughead answered as the Cooper woman settled comfortably into the curve of his body. "Yeah, but who...I mean, who would we even ask?" Betty asked, looking up from where her head laid on his chest.

"If you wanted a girl, my first thought would be Veronica," he said. "And a guy--" he began reluctantly before the blonde interrupted him with a hand up. "Do not say Archie," she warned, disgust present on her face.

Jughead let out a relieved sigh at her distaste as Betty laid her hand on his chest. "I guess that brings us back to Veronica." "I can talk to her about it," she replied. "I think she'd be open to it. But if it works out and this happens," Betty paused, realizing how selfish she'd come off.

"What is it?" he mumbled against her neck. "I don't want her touching you. I don't think I could stand that." Jughead chuckled and started to lay down, replying, "That's fair. And to be honest, I'm okay with you having your fun with her, but I'll spend my energy on you, 'kay?"

The next morning, Betty made a surprise visit to the Pembrooke, talking to her best friend--who also happened to be bi, and Betty's first kiss--about what she and Jughead had discussed last night and asking, "So, would you be into that?"

"Aww, B, I'm flattered you thought of me," Veronica replied with a small laugh. Betty chuckled nervously, her cheeks with a red tint and hands nervously rubbing together. "And yeah, I'm down, but I'd need to know the whole...arrangement beforehand."

"No strings between us," Betty clarified. "And, call me greedy, but I'd also prefer it if you guys didn't...do anything together." "Wow, all eyes on you?" Veronica laughed as Betty did the same with a small nod.

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