Business Of Pleasure

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here is an NSFW(/-ish) au miniseries that nobody asked for, but i wrote anyway. enjoy!


"Well if it isn't Miss Betty Blossom," Josie said with a smile as Betty walked over to her, the blonde in light blue jeans and a maroon crop top under her gray hoodie. "Hey, Jos," she smiled, a coffee in her hand as she walked alongside her manager. 

"So, this is the set?" Betty asked, looking around as the crew members adjusted a deep red couch and others fixed lights and camera angles. "It's not done yet, but yes, this is where the magic happens," Josie answered. "You film tomorrow."

"And who, pray tell, am I shooting with?" the blonde asked, turning to Josie with a small smile and a raised eyebrow. "Get ready to love me," Josie replied with a knowing smile. "I already do, now tell me," Betty pleaded as if she was starving begging for food.

"J Jones," Josie admitted as Betty took a sip of her coffee. The blonde could almost do a spit take, her eyes watering and hand coming to her mouth as she tried to swallow her coffee. "J Jones?" she asked as Josie gave a raised eyebrow and an open-lipped smile. "Uh-huh."

"He's kinda cute, right?" Josie teased at the two walked over to the food table. "I'll say," she replied with a small scoff before grabbing a donut. "If we film tomorrow, what's on the agenda for today?" she asked with a mouthful of strawberry frosted.

"You're meeting Jones and going over however much of the script is done. They're gonna ask you guys to talk over the do's and dont's. Tomorrow, you get into wardrobe, rehearse and shoot," Josie explained before they were walking down to the writer's room. 

"Hey y'all," Josie smiled, walking in and hugging the head writer. "This is your star," she said, her arms open towards Betty as the writer looked at her. "Hi, I'm Betty," the blonde said, outstretching her hand. 

"So I'm aware," the head writer replied with a smile, shaking Betty's hand and saying, "My name's Penny. I'm a fan," the woman said as Betty smiled. "Aww, thanks," she replied. "Tell me something good, Pen," Josie said, leaning on the table with one hand. 

"If he's not here already, J should be coming soon. We have the storyline down, even if there's not much to it; mostly for the synopsis," Penny said as Betty nodded attentively, Josie busy flipped through the pages of the script. 

"Ooh, who am I playing?" Betty asked with a small smile, assuming her role would go along with the unintentional brand she's been building through her other films. "You're the good girl next door," Penny answered before looking over at Josie, preoccupied with checking her phone. 

"And J's your bad boy, leather-clad boyfriend." Betty nodded slowly, biting her lips down slightly and interlacing her fingers to sit in front of her lap. "That sound good?" she asked. Betty nodded again, taking a light breath in before admitting, "I'm...familiar with his work, to say the least."

"I'm really looking forward to working with him." 

Josie nudged Betty's arm, making the young blonde turn her head and look at her manager. "Wardrobe has a few things for you to try on, we can get that covered today, sound good?" "Yeah, sure," the blonde answered. 

"They always give me the cutest costumes," Betty laughed as Penny did the same before she broke the silence. "Well, hey, I'm also directing, so I'll see you tomorrow. It was great meeting you."

"You too," Betty returned before she and Josie were heading down the hall to the wardrobe department. Betty already knew what awaited her-- pastel pinks and lace chokers; it went with the image she'd given off from her debut, even if she hadn't meant to launch a brand.

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