The Show Can't Go On

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can i go one day without getting an idea? please?

Timeset: 3x16


Betty didn't know how she let Kevin talk her into musical theatre. Especially for the second year in a row. Especially after Riverdale High's Carrie White, Midge Klump was murdered and displayed like a prop during the last performance.

Nevertheless, she agreed to Heathers: The Musical, mostly because she already knew every song and had the right hair type to style for her role as Heather Duke. "Besides," Betty reassured herself, "My character doesn't drink drain cleaner."

"I don't know how I feel about this costume," Betty said, her hands closing in at her sides as she looked at herself sideways in the mirror. "It's just...not my style." "Maybe not," Jughead responded, stepping closer and putting his hands on her waist. "But you still look adorable."

"Hmm," the blonde chuckled as her boyfriend kissed her shoulder. "Especially with these," he added, bending his knees slightly to dip his thumps into Betty's white knee-high socks, pulling them up until they were at their intended height.

"Heathers, we're running 'Candy Store' in two minutes," Kevin called from backstage before walking back out to the house where his director's table was. "I'd tell you to break a leg, but with those shoes, I think you just might," Jughead chuckled as Betty walked past him.

She laughed before flicking her calf up, taking a look at the black heels strapped onto her, and staying, "I'll be fine," before she was walking out of her dressing room and to the stage. She met with Veronica in the hallway and the two walked out to see Cheryl clad in her red costume on the stage.

"This is yours," Fangs said, handing Betty a croquet mallet with two green stripes. "And yours," he added, handing Veronica an identical one with two yellow stripes. "You guys know the choreo, right?" Kevin asked, looking up from his clipboard at the three starring roles. 

Betty and Veronica only nodded from their formation as Cheryl went on a miniature tangent about how she "was practically born" for her role and "wouldn't be caught dead missing a step" before scoffing because how dare Kevin even insinuate she didn't know what she was doing.

"'Kay, great," the Keller boy mumbled, jotting a quick note down as Jughead made his way into one of the audience seats, catching Betty's eye. Kevin motioned for someone to cue the music, begetting Cheryl's "Are we gonna have a problem?" line

The girls instantly went into their moves, swaying their hips swaying in sync with the mallets laying horizontally in their hands. Each Heather started with their lyrics, Veronica and Betty only really doing backup as Cheryl took the lead; how very Heather Chandler.

Betty wasn't sure why, but for some odd reason she felt a sudden burst of nervousness, her mind sending signals that made her hands shake and heart race. She tried masking it, ignoring the stage fright that decided to slap her in the face, but eventually, it was overbearing.

She found Jughead in the audience and smiled, the small glance reassuring her. She smirked in her mind, rebutting her thoughts of "You look ridiculous," with "Well, Jughead thinks I look adorable. So, ha!"

It was a small accomplishment for the blonde, being able to push out the insecurities with reassurance, whether from herself or others. Her body went into autopilot as she continued to think about random things, her mind wandering as she spun and stepped.

"Where'd I put my phone?"

"God, I hate this choreo."

"It'd be so hot if I was getting fucked in my dressing room."

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