With Salacious Intent

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i'm just gonna keep rewriting b*rchie scenes to bughead ones bc they always make my wife look hot when she's fucking that dick cheese-infested carrot. enjoy!!

Song Credit: "INTRUDERS" by Jessie Reyez


The last thing Jughead expected when he opened the bathroom door after his shower was the sight he walked into. The cold air hit his bare chest, stopping at where the waistline of his sweatpants laid against his hips, eyes focused on the blonde who was displayed in front of him.

The right side of her bottom lip was underneath her teeth as her eyes raked his figure up and down. She laid on her side, the room around her filled with candles as every light was off. "Betty," he said simply, confused on how she'd managed to see everything up while he was in the shower.

She smiled, her eyes finally meeting his as she asked, "Mind if I stare for a bit?" The blonde herself was dressed in her FBI sleepshirt; he couldn't tell if she had anything on underneath. "Are you going to anyway?" he asked with a small chuckle as he stepped forward.

A hand brushed through his wet locks as Betty smiled, her eyes refusing to bring a halt to their staring. He walked to the side of the bed where her legs slightly hung off, his fingertips grazing her calf before she was sitting upright, her knees bent as she looked up alluringly.

"You wanna touch me?" she asked delicately, her voice drowning in sensuality as the question was asked, her eyes beady and lips begging for a kiss. Jughead let out a small, breathy laugh and bent down slightly, nudging for the blonde to tilt her head back.

Betty's palms met his warm shoulder blades as her chin rested in the crook of his neck, his lips meeting her neck as if he was parched and her skin was water. She sighed, melting into her embrace before getting up to sit on her knees.

He pulled away and she took the opportunity to slide her palms into place along the sides of his face, bringing her lips to his as his hand slowly skimmed her sides. "I wanted to surprise you," she whispered, their lips mere inches apart as he took in her appearance.

Betty Cooper was a work of art.

"Consider me surprised," Jughead returned before smirking and wrapping an arm around Betty's back, slowly lowering her onto the comforter and receding onto his knees on the ground. Betty hadn't expected the gesture but found a sudden burst of need as she felt his palms against her hips.

His fingers curved in, expecting to dip into the waistline of her panties, only there was no such garment for the boy to find. He scoffed in good fun at the fact before kissing a trail up the blonde's inner thigh.

Betty sighed as her head rested comfortably against the mattress, tilting slightly. Her wrists laid beside her head as if they were being pinned down, only she felt weightless rather than heavy. She could feel stray, damp groupings of hair against her thigh and V-line, and she giggled quietly.

His tongue met her core before his lips, making the blonde exhale in a shaky moan, her hips feeling grounded by his hands while she reveled in the sensations Jughead's mouth was providing her with. 

He always knew just how to please her. And in turn, she knew how to enthrall him.

His tongue traced her outline seamlessly before zeroing in on her clit and allowing the blonde's back to arch; her eyes closing and lips parting. Her knees slowly grew farther apart as she took in the feelings of bliss and pleasure before she was slowly easing her hips away, backing up.

"What is it?" he asked, standing up slowly with his hands on her hips. Betty'sindex finger pointed up before bending twice, motioning him over while she smirked. "Your mouth's amazing," she sighed as Jughead laid over her figure. "But I want you before I lose my energy."

His lips agreed, meeting hers as she tilted her head back. Their lips continued like that for a while, not so much fighting for dominance as much as waltzing with no designated leader. That's just how they were; two switches who could find a happy medium.

"You gonna keep me waiting?" Betty asked quietly before biting her lip. "No, baby," he answered in a mumble-like tone before placing one last short kiss on the blonde's neck. "I'm just loving you."

That's what he called it; necking and caressing his girl was known to Jughead as 'loving her'-- he was showing the blonde just how deep his admiration for her ran, and it was shown outside of candlelit bedrooms too. 

It was the kisses on her neck as he woke up, the hands on her hips when he came up behind her, the brushing her hair out of her face and tucking loose strands behind her ear. It all boiled down to one point;

Jughead Jones was hopelessly and irrevocably in love with Betty Cooper.

He sat back on his heels for a moment as Betty took the space to sit up on her forearms, smiling under a bitten lip as she watched his fingers undo the bow that he'd tied his sweatpants' drawstrings into.

His hair fell in front of his face as he looked down and Betty involuntarily closed her thighs together at the sight, a simple and quiet, "Mmm," proceeding his gaze shifting up. He chuckled breathily at her position before her head was tilting to one side as she asked, "What're you waiting for?"

"You're too good to be true," he said before pulling his waistline to lay at his lower thighs, dragging the blonde closer by her legs. Betty giggled at the act before her laughs were being replaced with sighs, his hands slowly prying her knees apart and slipping into her.

They both moaned slowly, his hips rocking against her slowly before he was reaching down to bring a hand to the side of her face and kissing her passionately. Her legs wrapped around his waist to turn them over, the Jones boy ending up on his back and Betty around his waist.

She giggled at the sudden change, almost to say, "Look at me, look what I can do." Jughead followed her in her laughs; he knew she'd always been strong. Her hair fell in front of her face, her ends grazing his pec before he was brushing the waves behind her ear, his gestures full of admiration for the woman over him.

They let the small interruption pass as Betty slipped onto him, sitting back and trailing one hand up his chest starting at his stomach. Her other hand met his, kissing the back of his palm while looking straight at him. 

He moaned quietly and she followed him in the act, dropping his hand to plant her fingertips on his lower stomach. His hands, in return, moved up her sides, helping to balance the Cooper girl as she raised and lowered herself against his muscle. 

One of Betty's hands left Jughead's skin to move her hair back before her palm was against her chest, almost as if she had to steady her breathing. She took into account the small noises he was making--moans, sighs, groans-- and smiled, leaning down to whisper, "I love you," and kissing his cheek.

He returned the sentiment in movement, using his hands to guide her hips against him before his thumb met her core, working her enough to make her arch her back and call out, "Yes, please," in a featherlight sigh.

His other palm met the small of the blonde's back, keeping her upright as she whined for release, which hit her like a bullet; taking her breath and making her cling desperately onto the Jones boy's skin while she pleaded for his release to come over him.

And, of course, it did.

In the end, they laid entirely satisfied against the pillows of their bed, the still-lit candles offering a serene setting and warmth before Betty was leaving a small kiss beneath his jaw. "I love you desperate," he said quietly before his arm draped over her shoulders was drawing her close.

He sealed the sentence with a kiss to the top of the blonde's head. "I love you in any form," she returned before she was abandoning their close-knit position to sit up, reaching over for her nightstand drawer. 

"And that's why," she paused, pulling something out and closing the small compartment with the back of her hand. It was a small box with a golden latch bolted onto the front. Betty opened the box slowly as the rest of her sentence slipped out.

"I decided to ask."

An engagement ring stared back at Jughead.

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