When On The Other Side Of Town

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the GIF above actually *isn't* mine, and the credits go to @ thiscolesprousebaby on instagram. enjoy!!

Song Credit: "Purple Haze" by Zella Day

Timeset: 2x03


Jughead jumped as the door open, turning around and sighing when he saw it was only his girlfriend in her baby blue shirt and pink cardigan, dark jeans contrasting the pastels. "Betty, you cannot be here at night unless you're armed," he warned as Betty set the box from under her arm on the desk.

"Oh, but, she paused, taking out a corded brewer. "I am," she smiled, eliciting a small laugh from her boyfriend as he stood up to begin telling her about all he had found during his first few days at Southside High; gangs, drugs, conspiracy.

"Okay, but is it...I don't know, wise to be writing about...drugs and gangs while you're going to school here?" Betty asked, her tone and expression drenched in worry. "Are you worried about me?" he asked, walking forward with a sly smirk

"Well, yeah, Jug," she answered, her eyes bright as she smiled, the weight of his palm on her shoulder reassuring the blonde as he mumbled, "I thought you liked me reckless." She sauntered closer, as if her legs were dragging her without the command of her consciousness.

Their lips met and her shoulders relaxer, still with the presence of Jughead's hand. They didn't know how it happened as their lips dragged against each others', but they had managed to turn as Jughead's hand laid on the back of her neck, her hands meeting the sides of his face.

His lower back rested against the desk, his hands resting on her hips and feeling when she slowly lifted her leg against his. Their lips never separated, but he knew what she was asking. As such, his hands slid from her hips to her rear, lifting the blonde to wrap both legs around his waist.

He turned, one hand still on her back as  he cleared the books and papers to the ground, clattering as they fell. The desk needed to be organized anyway, and knowing his girlfriend well enough to know she would come up with a whole system to alphabetize and color-code everything when they were done.

Done with what? They didn't even know yet. He set the blonde in the edge of the desk, her back straightening to adjust to the new height difference. "Betts, what are we doing?" he asked with a small chuckle, taking his beanie off and running a hand through his hair.

"Hoping we don't get interrupted?" she answered unsurely before giggling. "Sounds about right," he chuckled before sliding one hand against her cheek and bringing his lips to her neck. She smiled at the sensation, her palm meeting his hand as his other reached for her ponytail, sliding out the hairband slowly.

Betty's free hand reached back to fix her hair slightly, blonde waves moving as she orchestrated them to before she was sighing at the slow drag of his lips moving away from hers. "You're beautiful, baby," he mumbled before nipping at her collarbone.

"Don't be so ashamed to say it," she giggled, taking his hushed tone into account. He lifted his head from her neck, using his hand to lift her chin and bring their eyes to meet before repeating himself. "You're beautiful, baby."

Betty swooned at the words, her eyes fluorescent and bottom lip overtaken by her top. They reached for the hem of each others' shirts at the same time, their arms intertwined and causing an awkward chuckle to break out amongst the two.


"Should I--"

"No, it's fine."

"Maybe if I--"

"Okay, maybe just--"

"Okay, you go first," Betty chuckled, taking her hands from his shirt and raising them, allowing her long-sleeved ensemble to end up on the desk beside her. Jughead's palms came to her sides, kissing her neck against and making the blonde close her eyes and tilt her head back, sighing gently with cracks in her voice. 

Her hands met his shirt again, lifting the fabric and making him pull away for her to be able to pull it over his head. Her fingertips met his stomach, trailing up slowly before she looked up and giggled, his palms meeting the inside of her thighs.

She sighed before putting her hand on his shoulder to bring his lips back to hers. Their tongues continued their waltz as shy hands unbuttoned jeans and slid the denim down pale legs. "Betts," he called gently, moving away and looking at the blonde with admiration in his eyes. 

"Are you sure?" he asked, gentle fingertips caressing her cheek. With a light sigh, her gaze went to a random point in the room as she thought it over. Jughead would have been completely ready to stop even if his body disagreed, but he wouldn't do anything without knowing she felt the same.

"I love you, Jug," she said gently before kissing him briefly. "And I'm sure." 

They clung to each other tenderly, warm skin against warm skin and desperate lips against equally as needy ones. The feeling was odd at first, Betty's eyebrows furrowing but her jaw dropping as she tried to distinguish the different sensations through the pressure. 

Jughead sighed slowly, his hand on her hip as he asked, "Okay?" She nodded and threw her arms over his shoulders, trying to ease him into her again and moaning at the feel. It was the first time Jughead had heard that from Betty, or from anyone, for that matter.

It quickly became one of his favorite sounds, next to hearing the blonde giggle.

Her lips remained parted, high-pitch whines and moans falling out like water in an overflowing glass. For the most part, Jughead had kept his face in the crook of Betty's neck, trying not to make too much sound, but there came a point where he just had to look at her.

Betty's eyes were wide when he saw them, her lips closing quickly when she noticed his gaze before his thumb slipped over her bottom lip and row of teeth, opening her mouth once more and smiling. "Keep doing that," he asked of her before her hands were forming fists.

"Fuck," he sighed sharply before Betty was kissing his neck, pleading against his skin. "Harder, pl...please. Take me harder," she had whined. And even before their time was over, Jughead could feel it in his heart:

Those desperate begs would live in his mind forever. They would distract him all hours of the day.

He couldn't wait for more memories; to know how she tasted and what got her going, to explore the new intimacy that came with their first time--individually and together--and how they would approach exploring each other. He couldn't wait to hear his name on her lips--

"Juggie, please," she sighed breathily.

Well, turns out he wouldn't have to wait.

Maybe it set Jughead aside from the mainstream, but he could not stop looking at her face. He watched the small things she did that she might not have even realized; her eyebrows raised, her eyes closing, and of course: the whimpers, whines, and moans.

He hadn't meant to shift, but Betty let go of his shoulder to push some stray hair from her face and started to fall back. He was quick to wrap an arm around her back and ask, "Are you okay?" 

She didn't answer his question, only letting out a jarring moan and pleading, "Right there. Please, it feels so good." He took pride in her reaction, continuing to hold her up as she held onto the edge of the wooden desk.

Her legs wrapped around his waist as their eyes met, and at that moment, they knew they could stay like this for eternity. Maybe not in their state or position, but clothed and cuddled, staring into each other's eyes-- that was rapture.

Distance no longer had any hold over them. They were infinite.

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