The Little Things

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inspired by the skirt i got last week THAT GiVES ME SO MUCH SEROTONiN, Y'ALL HAVE NO iDEA


"Remember, bub, Veronica's gonna come over for a bit tomorrow morning," Jughead said softly as he tucked regressed Betty into their bed. "I remember, Daddy," she replied with a smile before yawning.

"You can still sleep in, though," he said, reaching over for the blonde's pacifier clip that she wore while she slept. "We can wake you up when breakfast is ready, okay?" Betty nodded before parting her lips slightly for the rubber of her pacifier to slip in.

Jughead kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes with a giggle before he was walking over to his side of the bed and getting in. "And I think," he paused, adjusting the covers. "Your skirt's coming tomorrow."

Betty's eyes opened wide as she squealed, getting excited and jutting out her legs. "Shh, I know, sweetheart. I know, very exciting," Jughead chuckled, pulling his girl close to his chest and laying his chin against the top of her head.

"Sweet dreams, princess. I love you," he mumbled before closing his eyes and letting the soft breaths of his girl draw him to sleep. The blonde had been obsessing over the skirt she was waiting on since she saw it online.

It was pink and poofy-- she saw it and knew she needed it in her closet. So, she did what every other little would do; she pleaded and stayed on her best behavior until it was ordered. Jughead knew she didn't have to work herself up about it-- he absolutely loved to spoil and gift her.

When Betty woke up the next morning, she saw her caregiver still asleep and cuddled closer, hoping maybe she could fall back into her dream. It wasn't until she realized she was expecting two deliveries today that her eyes shot open and she had to squirm out of Jughead's arms.

Usually, she liked crawling or being carried when she was little, but the stairs were a different question. She snuck down each step, being overly careful and trying to be as quiet as possible until she got to the front door.

She looked through the window and smiled when she saw the brown box waiting on the porch, bringing it in with a larger-than-life smile. She tore through the packaging until the mesh fabric of her new favorite skirt laid in her hands.

Betty refrained from squealing out, being considerate of the sleeping man upstairs. Instead, she replaced her pajama shorts for the skirt and smiled, bouncing on her soles before going to the downstairs bathroom to look in the mirror.

She loved the way the satin sat on her hips and the layers bounced when she did; slipping in her pacifier before going out to the living room where her playpen of toys was stationed. She was glad there were small zipper entrances at the bottom, otherwise, she couldn't get in without help.

Usually, Jughead or Veronica would lower her in and lift her up from the top, but alone, she'd crawl through the holes on the sides. She kept her pacifier in, grabbing the nearest stuffie and cuddling it close to her chest.

She laid on her stomach and started coloring the pages of her Hello Kitty coloring book; humming little songs and laying her head on her fist. The doorbell ringing after fifteen minutes pulled Betty from her daze, making her smile and gasp, "Ronnie!"

She walked over to the door slowly, her regressed mind making her believe she was too small to walk properly. When she got to the door, she opened it with a small smile, watching Veronica's eyes light up.

"Hi, Ronnie!" the regressed girl said, waving and letting her best friend into the house. "Now who left this," Veronica paused, picking the blonde up and resting her on her hip. "Adorable little princess unaccounted for?" with a chuckle.

"Daddy still sleeping," Betty said before laying her head on Veronica's shoulder. "Oh, I see," the Lodge woman said quietly, swaying the girl slightly. Betty had always had a small figure and was practically weightless to those who were used to carrying her.

The only vice was that she was tall.

"Well, not anymore," Jughead said, walking down the stairs and rubbing his eyes. Veronica turned to face him and gasped playfully to Betty, asking, "Who's that?" "Daddy!" Betty answered happily, reaching out for her boyfriend with grabby hands.

"Good morning sweetheart," he said, holding her on his hip the way Veronica had done. He looked at her skirt and the empty box near the front door, remarking with a smile, "I see someone got into the mail."

Betty nodded with a giggle before looking over at Veronica and saying, "Hey, Veronica. You want coffee? I'm gonna start breakfast for this little one." "Yeah sure, thanks," Veronica replied before Jughead was placing a kiss on Betty's temple.

"Did you ask Ronnie what she thought of your skirt?" Jughead asked against his blonde's hair as they walked back into the kitchen. Betty shook her head and Veronica smiled, saying, "It's adorable. Perfect for you."

The small girl smiled, laying her head on Jughead's shoulder before he was setting her on the counter and asking, "Do you wanna stay here with Daddy, or do you wanna go play?" "I wanna go color!" She giggled, making Jughead smile and say, "Okay, angel."

Veronica carried her over to her playpen before slowly lowering her in and letting her get back to the page she was coloring pre-the Lodge woman's arrival. Jughead started cooking scrambled eggs after Veronica's coffee was finished, letting them talk and catch up.

They looked over at Betty occasionally, knowing how even though it was important for her to play independently, she was nothing if not always in need of attention. "Do you want anything to eat?" Jughead asked, plating Betty's breakfast before going to the pan with bacon.

"I'm good, I ate before I came over," Veronica replied before peeling her eyes away from the blonde, who was finishing up her page. "Should I get her a bottle?" "She actually," Jughead paused to chuckle, smiling down before continuing.

"She actually started using her sippy cups more. But yeah, if you want." "Sippy cups?" Veronica asked with a raised eyebrow. "Pretty soon she'll be saying she's all grown up," Veronica said as she poured pink lemonade into a sippy cup. "That little angel?" he asked, looking over at his girl.


"If you wanna go get her, you can-- her food's ready," Jughead said, bringing her plate to the table and coming back for Betty's drink. "Hey, B," Veronica said in a soft tone. "You ready to eat?" Betty looked up and nodded, placing her yellow crayon back in its spot and lifting her arms.

She made grabby hands until Veronica picked her up, walking her over to sit in the same chair as Jughead. "C'mere, baby," he said as she sat with her back to his chest. He took her pacifier out from her lips gently before saying, "Open up, hon," and feeding her.

A few hours later when Betty was asleep on the pile of stuffies she had in her playpen, Veronica had somewhere else to be, leading Jughead to gently wake the blonde and say, "Ronnie has to go, honey; can you tell her 'bye-bye'?"

Betty sat up on her knees at the edge of the pen, wrapping her arms around Veronica's waist and laying her head against her. Veronica felt her pocket move but focused on embracing the blonde. "Bye, Ronnie," she said sadly.

"It's okay, bubbles," Veronica chuckled, using her nickname for little Betty before the blonde was pulling away slowly. "I'll be back soon, I promise." Betty smiled weakly as Veronica put her palm on the side of Betty's face before it was time to go.

When Veronica got to her car, she found a surprise in her pocket: Betty's coloring page with "To Ronnie" scribbled in pink.

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