Before The Scene ("BOP" Part II)

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part II of " business of pleasure"!!


"Hey, come in," Betty said from behind her front door with a smile. "Thanks," J returned, his hands coming out from his jean pockets as he walked into the blonde's apartment. "Your place's nice, Be--" he cut himself off before turning to face Betty.

"What?" she asked with a small laugh. "I was told I'd get to learn your real name when I came over," he said as she sighed and sat down on her couch, brushing some hair out of her face. She held her hand out as he sat down, reintroducing herself.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Cooper."

He chuckled and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Elizabeth," he said with a smile. "Do I get to learn your name or is that more of a second-film thing for you?" she giggled. "Don't laugh," he replied before running a hand through his hair.

J cleared his throat before exhaling and holding out his hand as Elizabeth had done before him, trying to keep a straight face as he looked at the blonde who was smiling back at him. "I won't, I promise."

"My name's Jughead Jones."

"That...sounds like a fake name, too," Elizabeth giggled. "You said you wouldn't laugh," he said before making a disappointed, 'tsk' sound and making the blonde laugh some more. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I was just expecting...I dunno, 'Jonathan.'"

"No, it was, was a nickname growing up-- a mean one, actually. My dad...well, he was an alcoholic and so the kids at school used to call me 'Jughead', eventually, though, it got to the point where I was like, 'Yeah, okay; fuck you, I'm Jughead."

"Wow," Elizabeth replied with a smile. "By the way, you can still call me 'Betty' outside of work-- it's cuter, I think," she said before standing up. "You want coffee?" she asked. "Yeah, but only one," he answered, his elbow resting on the back of the couch.

"Milk, creamer, sugar, caramel?" she listed, walking backward into her kitchen. "Just milk, you want some help?" "I'm good," the blonde called back. "Penny said she wants us to go over things we wanna throw in to help her with the script," she said from the kitchen.

"And you plan to say those things across the apartment?" Jughead replied. Elizabeth only walked out with a look on her face that could only read, "Really? C'mon now." "I was kidding," he laughed as the blonde sauntered her way back to the heating Keurig.

"Y'know, I still remember your debut," Jughead smirked from the couch, hearing Elizabeth chuckle from her spot in the apartment. "What was it called again?" "Believe me when I tell you I had no part in coming up with the title. "Oh, yeah," he said as she walked out. "I remember, it was--"

"'Ponytail Playmate'," they answered at the same time before Elizabeth was rolling her eyes and saying, "Yeah, and I never wore my hair up again," with a small laugh. "You want iced or hot?" "Hot," Jughead answered as Elizabeth went back into the kitchen.

"I heard they wanna put you in pigtails," he said before brushing his hand against his lips. "For tomorrow." Elizabeth only groaned and said, "It's because of my brand. I'm 'innocent'; every guy with a corruption kink's fantasy," she replied before walking into the living room.

She had a black mug in one hand and a clear cup of iced coffee in the other as she sat down, handing him the mug and getting out two coasters. "Betty, you're coffee's...white, what the hell did you put in there?" he chuckled before she was gently swatting at his chest.

"It is not 'white', it's...light beige," she replied with a small smile before setting her cup down. He laughed at her justification and she said, "What? I like my coffee deathly sweet, okay?" "That's your persona," he said as their laughter calmed down. "Betty Blossom's 'deathly sweet.'"

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