Attraction, Or Lack Thereof

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please, please, PLEASE call out any misconceptions in this-- i really tried my best, but i'm not asexual, so i can't pull in first-hand accounts.

Requested by juggiesrings


Betty giggled as she made her way to Jughead's lap, her bitten lip being overtaken by his as they continued to kiss. Betty was the one doing all the moving and teasing while Jughead only kissed back. 

"I love you," she said with a smile before kissing him twice quickly. "I love you too," he whispered, his eyes sincere, but nervous as he looked at her. Suddenly Betty's clothes became uncomfortable for her and she let out a small chuckle at the fact.

Her hand met the side of Jughead's face briefly before her sweater was finding its way up and over her head. "Oh," was all Jughead could muster, his head frazzled and body unresponsive. "Is this okay?" she asked, nervous at his reaction. 

He nodded, convincing himself that this was what he needed; that after all these years, he could finally be fixed. Only he had nothing to fix, there was nothing wrong with him.

She smiled and kissed him again, bringing her hands to his and laying his palms over the cups of her bra. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to focus on how she felt in his hands, how she needed him, how desperate she was, but still, his body was unresponsive.

Betty rolled her hips slowly against his leg, moaning quietly at the sensation as they continued to kiss and make out until the blonde's lips left his, her hand tilting his head back and allowing room for her lips on his neck.

Her hips continued against him as her lips latched onto his pulse point. Again, Jughead tried to rewire his thoughts, telling himself that he should want this. "I love you," he whispered, full-heartedly. 

He truly did love Betty, and that was part of the pressuring. "If I loved her, I would do this for her," he told himself foolishly. "And I love you," she whispered back before her other hand met his jeans, palming gently.

"Does that feel good?" she asked with a bitten-lip smile. Jughead tried telling himself it did, but he couldn't lie anymore, opening his eyes with a sigh and a, "Betty, wait." The blonde stopped moving entirely, pulling her hand away and replying, "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Please don't be sorry," he said back, tears on the verge of spilling. "I can't do this...whatever this is, I just," he paused, careful not to spill everything out at once. "It's not...working for me," he said quietly.

Betty's expression fell as she nodded, slowly climbing off his leg and sitting next to him. "It's not your fault," he said, his hand meeting the back of hers before she was scrambling to put her sweater back on with tears in her eyes.

"Even when I was younger, I just," he paused for a second, trying to collect his thoughts. "I'm sorry if I disappointed you." "Hey, no, of course not," she said gently, her hands cupping his face and thumbs swiping away the tears that had fallen.

"If you don't want to or don't like doing that, I respect that. I'm not gonna force you into that." He offered a weak smile in response before sniffling. "When I was younger...if I tried watching porn, I didn't feel anything."

Betty nodded sympathetically in response as he continued. "And I didn't understand because everyone else did. And I never wanted to do anything sexual. I'd never had any dreams, or urges."

"And when we started dating, I just couldn't...I don't know, I couldn't think of you like that. And just now, when things started getting heated, I thought that I would finally feel what everyone else does because it would be real and happening instead of just in my head," he said.

"I tried to feel something, I really did," Jughead said, looking over at the blonde beside him as she sat up to console the boy. "This is okay," she said with a small smile. "You're one hundred percent valid, Jug."

"I still love you," she said before kissing him tenderly. "But if you're ready for more and I'm not--" "Hey, don't you worry about that," she said with a smile as she brushed some of his hair back. "I can take care of myself. I just care that you're safe and happy," Betty said.

"You're not...mad? Or upset?" Jughead asked nervously. "Jug, please, if anything I'm mad at myself for assuming," she answered, finally getting the Jones boy to smile, even if only weakly.

"Do you think you're asexual?" she asked, sitting with her legs bent ans brushing her own hair out of her face, tucking the strands behind her ear. "Maybe," he replied.

"It's more mental than physical, you know? I just don't want to do anything, it's just not appealing," he replied, his eyebrows slightly furrowed as he tried explaining the best he could. "But you're so beautiful, Betty. Inside and out," he said with a smile and gleaming eyes.

"In another world, believe me," he said with a slight breathy chuckle, prompting the blonde to do the same. "I love you no matter what," she assured him before the two were laying on their backs, Betty's bent leg laying over his waist.

"You wanna watch a movie?" she suggested, reaching for her TV remote on her nightstand. Jughead only nodded before Betty was turning in her screen and throwing a blanket over the both of them. She kissed his cheek sweetly before laying her head on his shoulder.

"Hey, Betty?" he asked, breaking the silence and looking down at the blonde. "Yeah?" she answered, lifting her head slightly and meeting his gaze. "Thank you," he said gently before kissing the top of her head. "For what?" she asked with a smile before he was drawing her closer.

"Thank you for loving me still."

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