As The Sun Rises

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how do y'all not hate me yet?


Betty opened her eyes as her head laid on Veronica's shoulder; her girlfriend was still asleep.

Her boyfriend, however, was wide awake.

Jughead laid on the blonde's far left, on his back, and holding his phone over his head to see. With a smile, Betty reached out over Veronica and shook his arm slightly, gaining his attention and begetting a "Good morning, beautiful."

"Morning," she whispered back before looking up at Veronica; she had one arm draped over the blonde and her other hand near Jughead's hair. "How long have you been up?" Betty whispered, earning her Veronica stirring and turning to her side.

The blonde chuckled and carefully moved her girlfriend's arm before sitting up and stretching her arms back. "An hour, maybe," Jughead whispered back as Betty stood up. She leaned down to place a kiss on Veronica's temple before walking over to the other side of the bed.

"C'mon," she said, waving her boyfriend over. "I'm hungry, I want breakfast." He chuckled and stood up, following the blonde to the kitchen. She stood at the counter and he followed behind closely, brushing her hair to the side and asking, "No 'good morning' kiss for me?"

Betty chuckled before biting her bottom when he kissed her sweet spot. "What do you want; pancakes or eggs?" Betty asked, starting the coffee machine. "Hmm, neither," he answered, his arms wrapping around her waist.

"Okay, picky; what's on your mind?" she chuckled, turning around and putting her hands on his shoulders. Jughead didn't answer, only lifting Betty's chin with his finger and kissing her. When they pulled away, the Jones man smirked and his girlfriend smiled sweetly, asking, " Satisfied?"

"Mm, partially," he answered. Betty only rolled her eyes with a smile and turned back to her coffee. "Maybe we should wait for Veronica," she said, stirring sugar into her mug. "I don't wanna make her cook for herself just because she wanted to sleep in."

"Makes sense," Jughead replied as Betty leaned against the counter, taking a drink of her coffee. "And I can think of about fifty different ways we could kill time," he mumbled against her neck.

"Oh, really?" Betty asked with a bit lip and a raised eyebrow. "Mhmm," Jughead mumbled against the blonde's neck. "How's that sound?"

"Good," she answered before closing her eyes and whispering, "Just don't wake Ronnie up."

Jughead smirked before pushing blonde waves back, kissing his girlfriend's--well, one of them--neck. His hands met her hips and gripped her pajama shorts roughly. Betty giggled before his lips met hers. He smirked against her lips, hoisting her by the hips onto the counter.

She let out a small laugh, watching the Jones boy slip his hands into her shorts and start to slide them down. Her head laid against the cabinets before hands prying her thighs apart caught her attention.

She looked down as he receded to the ground, running her hand through his hair gently. His tongue met her core through the blonde's underwear and she sighed, her eyes closing and head laying back.

She whispered profanities as Jughead pulled the pale lavender from her hips and parted Betty's legs farther.

Betty always noticed the differences between both of her partners when it came to being intimate; Veronica liked to praise the blonde's performance while Jughead praised her obedience, the Jones man could satiate his girlfriends without receiving anything back and be fine with it, and Betty's girlfriend had unimaginable stamina.

When the three of them were together, Veronica always focused on helping Betty, although they usually had room between them all.

Betty and Jughead liked being close when they were alone.

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