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Location: Hospital

Ebony P.O.V

"You're strong amoura you can fight this." I cried as I stood over her while she slept.

Amoura lies in the hospital bed with a tube down her throat that sucks up the left over water in her lungs & a oxygen tank that she's connected to, to help her breathe out of her nose.

"You don't deserve this!" I sniffled, "You shouldn't have to suffer because of him!" I hate this for myself & my baby. I could lose her at any moment while she lay peacefully on this bed not knowing what's happening.

Glancing at her one more time, I kiss her forehead before leaving out the room, in search for chris's room.

Shit wasn't going to be sweet for him, no.

I paused at the front desk & smiled down at the lady, "Um, what's chris brown room number?"

"We aren't allowed to give out his room number unless you are a family member. Who are you to him?"

"His girlfriend." I say, "And the mother of his child who's fighting for her life right this second! What the fuck is the room number?"

"Room 306."

"Thank you."


I walked down the hall & silently counted the room numbers until I came across room 306, "Mhm."

He shouldn't be in this room. He should be the one in icu fighting for his life. Not my daughter.

"How ya doing?" I asked him, walking step by step over to his bed.

"Im hurting & it's not because of my injuries. Look, I am so sorry that I put our daughters life at risk! I never meant for that shit to happen I swear! If I could trade places with her I would." He stated.

"Did you expect for the both of you to make it home safely while you had weed & liquor in your system? You can't do that type of shit & drive! If so things like this happen!" I pointed around the hospital room, "You'll end up here or better yet dead."

He stared up at the ceiling in a daze while I creeped over to the bed & pulled the hospital remote cord out the wall & held it firmly in my hands.

"You know you're going to jail right?"

"Of course I know." He sighed, "I deserve it anyway." Glad he knows.

"Lift up for me. I have a surprise for you." I told him, holding the cord behind my back.

"A surprise? Ebony this isn't a time to play! Our daughter is on her death bed right now & you want to surprise me with some shit? This isn't the time to shower me with gifts."

"Just do it."

He eyed me out the corner of his eye as he slowly rose up, "What is it?"

"This!" Pulling the cord from behind my back, I swing it around his neck & yanked him backwards, "I hate you! How could you do that to my baby? Huh? She doesn't deserve this!" I cried.

"L-eee-t go." He pulled at my hands but I gripped it tighter, "Stop!"

I let go of the cord, "I want to do so much more to you. I really do but you have kids to live for. Well, maybe a kid to live for if mines doesn't make it." I said & left the room,bumping into someone.

"Fuck out my way." I hissed at the people but paused when I seen it was royalty and mama j, "Sorry."

"Its okay." She said, "How is the baby?" Is she not worried about her son?

"I don't know. Dying." I coldly responded.

"Sissy is dying? What? We have to save her meme." Royalty tugged at mama j's arm & we both sighed.

We know she thinks it's jai.

"We're gonna save her. I promise."

"And what about daddy? I need them both to be saved." I rolled my eyes at royalty's statement & stepped out the way.

"I should be getting back to amoura, bye." I waved at them before walking off down the hall.


Chris P.O.V

I held my throat as I continued to breathe in & out, "That stupid hoe."

What exactly was choking me gone do? Not shit.

"Daddy!" Royalty ran over to the bed & smiled brightly at me, "I have missed you so much! Where have you been? and sissy?"

So many questions at once.

"Slow the fuck down with the questions. I can only answer so many." I snapped, running a hand down my face.

"Sorry." she mumbled, "I just haven't seen you in forever. Im super duper exited to see you." she climbed onto the bed and laid her head across my chest.

I rubbed my fingers through her hair & kissed her forehead, "Excuse me for yelling at you. Im just stressed."

I placed my hand on her waist and squeezed it, not too tight though.

"Is sissy okay? I want to see her before I go." she asked, giving me the pleading eyes. "Please!"

I ignored her question & put my focus on my mom who was standing at the door, "Is you gone come in or what? Im not really in the mood for visitors anyway so if you ain't gone come in then get yo ass gone."

My mom stormed into the room & slapped me across the face, "Don't ever talk to me like that again. I am your mother. Act like it bitch boy!"

I clenched my jaw and nodded my head in anger, "Ok. Bitch."

"This is no time to be pissed at me."


"I didn't come here for you. I came here to see how the baby is doing since she's the one that's really suffering from this. Do you care? Maybe not. Who knows."

"I care. More than anyone. That's my child. My daughter. My other half. Of course I care. I wish I could take back what I did but I can't. It's my fucking fault. Everything is." I continued, "But I refuse to let another kid of mines die because of me. I refuse to. I'll take my own life in hopes of her making it out of here alive."

"We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you! When you were smoking weed and getting drunk did you regret doing it then? I don't think so. You were enjoying that shit. Now look at you." she looked at me in disgust, "Bruised the fuck up with a 2 month old daughter fighting for her life!"

"Woah." Royalty perked up, "I have a baby sister? Does other sissy know? Im so excited. We have someone to play dress up with." she wrapped her arms around my neck, "Thank you for my baby sister daddy. I love her already!" Is that all she got from the conversation?

I undo her hands from around my neck & push her back a little, "We need to have a talk royalty baby."

I glared at my mom, signaling I wanted her to get out but she stood there, "I ain't leaving out."

That bitch irks the fuck outta me.

I turn back to royalty, "I don't know how to explain this to you or even put it into words but the reason that daddy has been away for a long time is because I needed to heal. I don't think you'll understand my pain but im pretty sure your pain would be twice as mine after I tell you the news. You know what heaven is right? and hell?" I asked.

"Yeah. Heaven is for good people and hell is for the bad. Isn't that where people go when they die?"

"You're so smart." I paused, clearing my throat as I felt a lump form, "Jai is dead ro. Sissy's in heaven now."

Royalty eyes widened as she froze in place, "My sissy? Sissy?" she frowned as tears brimmed her eyes.

"You don't have to hold it in. Cry."

I felt a liquid soak my leg & I looked down at royalty's pants. she pissed herself.


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