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Ebony P.O.V

I grabbed amoura's car seat out the car, adjusting it in my hand before closing the car door

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I grabbed amoura's car seat out the car, adjusting it in my hand before closing the car door.

I blew a breath, "Here we go."

I reached out to chris mom for the first time & surprisingly she was excited to meet me & her new granddaughter. I on the other hand was not very fond of her because of how she did chris, she didn't stick around to give him a chance. I was only doing this for amoura.

I walked onto the porch, ringing the doorbell as I awkwardly stand there.

"Coming!" I hear a voice yell, "Give me a minute!"

"I don't have a minute & it's hot out here." I clarify.

A woman opened the door, smiling bright, "Hi, you must be ebony?"

"Yeah & you must be his mother?"

She nods, "Yes, come in!"

I sighed before walking into the house. It was pretty decent on the inside even though it was very stuffy.

She turned to me, "We can talk in the living room."

I sat amoura's car seat on the floor, unbuckling her out before placing her in my arms.

I took a seat on the couch, "What do you want to talk about?"

"For starters, I want to know why you kept my grand baby away from me for so long?"

"I didn't plan to keep her away but it was chris choice. He felt that you didn't deserve to meet her after you turned your back on him."

"I didn't turn my back on him, I wanted him to heal properly but he refused to listen so I cut off communication with him & decided that he was old enough to make his own decisions. Meaning that he can also face the consequences of them."

I shook my head, "That doesn't give you the right to cut him out of your life. I mean, it was pretty early into jaidah's  passing so of course he wasn't gonna be on track."

"I know that but If I didn't get away from him sooner than it would've rubbed off on me & I didn't want that. Plus, he told me that he didn't need me to watch after him."

"Yeah well he told me the same thing but I did it anyway. I know that he's hurting & all he need is for someone to be there for him. That includes telling him things that he may not want to hear but at least he knows that you care. Don't just up & leave without putting up a fight."

She frowned, "Did you not just here anything I said? I told you that he didn't listen. I love him to death but it's up to him to do better, I can't force it on him."

"True but did you ever think about going back around?"

"No—well is he doing better?"

"Nope. I tried helping him but like you said, it's up to him to do better but by the looks of things it won't be anytime soon."

"I won't be going back around & that's final. Same for my granddaughter." she say, taking amoura from me.

"Oh that wasn't up for discussion."


Jaliyah P.O.V

"Please let me in

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"Please let me in." I whine, standing outside of chris door.

I've been standing outside of his house for at least 20 minutes now & he refuse to open the door for me.

"Why the fuck would you pull up at my house unexpectedly knowing I don't fuck with you?" he asked, peeping out the window.

"Because I care about you & it's been a while since we seen each other & I know we didn't leave off on good terms but im here to fix it."

"Oh now you care about me?" he laughed, "Did you care about me when you kicked me out your life?"

"I never stopped caring about you or loving you. I just needed peace & you was making it very difficult."

"How? I tried venting to you but you would always tell me that now wasn't the time so I turned to drugs & all that other shit because you & everyone else never had time to hear me."

It was weird having this conversation with him because I was standing outside while he was peeping out the window.

"After you seen the condition that I was in is when you started to show that you cared, trying to tell me that what I was doing wasn't ok but I didn't have time to hear it just like you never had time for me." he say, tears falling from his eyes.

"Look, im sorry."

"I don't need yo sorry ass apology because I don't care no more but what you can do is get the fuck off my property or I can escort you myself."

I closed my eyes, blinking back the tears, "I know that you want nothing to do with me right now but just know that im sorry, honestly."

"BYE BITCH!" he yelled, leaving the window.


-I will give yal a flashback that explains the conversation chris & jaliyah were having.

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