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Same day....

Jaliyah P.O.V

"How did it go? Is everything alright?"

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"How did it go? Is everything alright?"

I glared at mike as I entered the house, taking my shoes off at the door, "Where's London?"

"Upstairs taking a nap. Now answer my question. Please." He pleaded & I huffed.

"Why? You didn't give a fuck at first so why now?" I crossed my arms across my chest, arching my eyebrows in curiosity.

"What I said was wrong, okay? I ain't mean for it to come out the way it did. It sounded way better in my head." He apologized, walking over to me.

"I don't know if I should accept your apology yet. What you said still hurts."

He nodded & asked, "Did they let you in the hospital with him?"

"Nope so I left but I plan on going back up there later." I told him & he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How long will it be until later?"

"In about 30 minutes, why?"

"30 minutes is enough." His hold on my waist tighten & I squealed when he lift me up, my legs wrapping around him.


I pulled my pants up my thighs as mike threw the condom in the garbage, "Im on the way to see him now."

"Aight. Let em know im praying he get better."

I rolled my eyes & flipped my hair over my shoulder, "You don't have to pretend you care for the sake of my feelings."

"Good cause I lowkey hope he die."

I walked over to him before punching him in the arm, "Chill."

"You said I don't have to pretend."

"I know what I said." Sighing, I grabbed my car keys before exiting the room.

Hopefully he wants to see me.

I nearly tripped down the stairs at the thought of chris not wanting to see me.

I opened my front door & gasped when I seen sev standing there, "The fuck you doing here & how you know where I live?"

"Don't worry about that." He looked around, "Can I come in?"

"Hell no." I went to slam the door but he stuck his foot in the way, "What?"

"I went by jai graves site earlier."

I froze as I felt my heart in my stomach.

"You didn't think I'll know would you? I never expected her to die at such a young age. it shocks the fuck outta me. How she die though? Im curious."

I couldn't speak. All I was focused on was the fact that he knew jai was dead when he shouldn't.

"Leave me alone about my daughter, okay? My baby is nun of your concern now please leave my property before I call my boyfriend down here."

"You threaten me now? wow. I wouldn't do that if I were you. I have information that could shock the world. Would you like it if I told them?" he pulled out his phone & waved it in my face.

"Do what you want." I shrug, "You have no proof."

"Her grave site is my proof."

I just want my baby to Rest In Peace.

"What do you want sev?"

"Im glad you asked." He smirked, "Let me in."


Ebony P.O.V

I held amoura in my arms as she slept peacefully against chest, "I love you more than anything girl

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I held amoura in my arms as she slept peacefully against chest, "I love you more than anything girl."

I couldn't imagine living life without her. It'll break me into pieces & it'll be hard to piece me back together. I hope she makes it through this shit so I can go back to our normal life. I just want to hold her forever & never let go.

I don't think she's getting better at all. I always have to readjust her tube sometimes because it's hurting her or she's throwing up fluids as she screams in pain. It's either or & it pains me to see her that way.

"I want to be free from him & the only way to do that is to take you away. I hate that I have to do that but that's the only way you'll be safe cause mommy will never put you in danger. Ever. You were meant for me & me only."

When she gets better we'll leave L.A & go somewhere far. I'll raise her to the best of my ability until her dad gets the help he needs & if not than he'll never seen my child again. I'll be the parents she deserves.

"Hi." The doctor strolled into the room with her clipboard hanging by her side, "I have some news for you."


I wonder if it's good or bad news.

"So, she still has a lot of fluid in her lungs which is making it hard for her to breathe on her own & we think she's suffocating so we'll have to enter a second tube to help get more water out her lungs." she informed as she went into the cabinets & pulled out a tube.

"So when she cries at night it's because she's suffering to breathe?"


God watch over my baby, please. Heal her.



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