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Jaliyah P.O.V

"Im bout to leave out for a minute, keep a close eye on london, she's in her playroom watching cocomelon." I told mike, quickly running for the door as I soon heard him running after me.

"Nope." Grabbing my wrist, he say, "I know you ain't  bout to take yo ass up to that hospital fucking with that women."

"No." Of course I am. I don't care what he say, she had to have something to do with sev knowing about jai's death, she's the only person who could have possibly told him. & I don't know why chris would trust her with such information as if he's known her for over a year or two, but in reality he's only known the bitch for probably two months or less.

"I don't believe you. & I done already told you to leave the women alone, she had nothing to do with this shit & deep down you know it. you just looking for somebody to blame other than yourself, how you know this ain't your fault?"

"My fault? boy how?" I paused, "Wait—why are you defending her so much? you fucking her on the low or something? let me know cause you shouldn't be defending no bitch over me, especially a bitch you don't know. or maybe, just maybe, you told him yourself." Now the math is adding up, "You want me to stop blaming her because you feel guilty."

"Yo, shut the fuck up, you starting to piss me off cause what you said makes zero sense. why would I stop you from putting the blame on someone else if i'm the one that told him the shit? don't you think it'll be the other around?"

He does have a point. fuck.

"Well, he found out from someone close to us or chris because no one outside our friends & family know about jai's death. & if it is someone close to me, than I will never figure out who it is, I trust everyone to a full extent." Finally letting go of my wrist, he huffed before walking off, "I don't know what you huffing for, this is my daughter we talking about."

"Im not in the mood to argue with you, go on bout yo day."

"We'll talk later." I left out the front door & as I closed the door behind me, I heard him say 'no we won't'.


"Im here as a visitor." I inform the man behind the desk as he type away on the computer. damn, I don't even know the little girls name or the mother. & I can't call on chris for help, he isn't allowed to have visitors nor phone calls.

"Who are you here for?"

I should've done my research on social media before coming here, their names would be easy to find on there, "Chris isn't allowed to have visitors at the moment so i'm here to see his daughter."

He looked up at me, & reverted his attention back to the computer in front of him, "She isn't allowed to have visitors at the moment either unless the mother approves of you coming, so, is she expecting you?"


"Cool. Room number 204 on the left side of you."


Ebony P.O.V

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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