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-Few days later...

Ebony P.O.V

"You need to leave him

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"You need to leave him." My ma say for the thousandth time.

"I don't want to leave him. I know he needs someone to be there for him & im gonna be that person."

I know she wants me to leave chris because of the way he treats me but I can't help the need to stay. I can't let him battle this alone. If anything I'll stick with him through it all.

"You gone stick around like a dummy? Just because you show him that you're there for him doesn't mean he's going to change. He's a grown ass man you can't wait around for him to do better by you."

"I feel that I can better him by sticking with him. He's hurting & I can't just up & leave. I made a promise to myself that I'll help him find happiness in himself. All he needs is a little support." I explain, taking a seat on the couch, picking amoura up in the process.

"He's hurting but he isn't the only one. Im pretty sure his actions hurt you to the core yet you think putting up with his bullshit is better than leaving him alone. I say let him do him."

"What if I do decide to leave him? Then what? Amoura wouldn't have a father. I can't just let him go out here & do whatever when he has not 1, but 2 children. I have to try my best to get him back on track."

"Im done reasoning with you. It's like you refuse to see the bigger picture. Him being a father to amoura has nothing to do with you. If he decide to not take responsibility for his child then so be it. You can always raise amoura alone but you can't stick with him if he isn't trying to better himself."

I understood everything my mother was saying but I truly felt that I could help him. His family said the same thing about him, that he'll never get better. I on the other hand won't give up on him.

"I understand but im not leaving him. He's the love of my life & the least I could do is be there for him."

"Whatever, Be there for him but you gone recognize that he ain't doing nun but hurting you."

"We're leaving." I say firmly, gathering amoura's things.

"You're leaving because you can't handle the truth."

"No." I fake smile, "im leaving because I know he's at home waiting for me."


Chris P.O.V

I got lonely being at the house by myself so I invited a couple guys over & a few bitches

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I got lonely being at the house by myself so I invited a couple guys over & a few bitches. We had plenty of the drinks & drug's splattered out on the table. We were blasting music & passing around a blunt.

"Damn. Slow down cb." My homie, red, laughs as I take two more puffs of the blunt.

I inhaled all of the smoke, causing me to cough a little, "Here. You take this shit."

I passed the blunt over to tyga as I stand to go to the bathroom. I been holding my pee for a good minute. I reached the bathroom, pushing aside some female.

"Boy don't be putting yo hands on me."

I turn around, eying the girl, "You talking to me?"

"Who else?" she put her hands on her hips, "it's just me & you standing here."

Before I could go off on the hoe I heard glass being shattered & a familiar voice screaming, "The fuck?"

I stormed into the living room seeing glass all over the floor, drugs messed over on the couch, & the homies on the floor in protection mode.

"What the hell wrong with you slow ass people?"

In the corner of my eye I peeped ebony picking up a liquor bottle, aiming it in my direction. I dodged it, making it shatter against the wall.


I know damn well she ain't fuck up my living room like this. Not even that, I paid good money for the shit she done fucked over.

"Aye, you need to chill." I bend over, picking up the things she didn't destroy.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" she angrily storm over to  my homies, pushing them toward the door.

"Ima hit y'all up later when this bitch done trippin."

"NO THE FUCK HE NOT!" she slams the door in their faces.

"What you doing all this for? You doing a little too much. Calm yo ass down."

"Im not gone calm down! You always doing stupid shit! You hang around people who don't really give a fuck about you because if they did then they wouldn't let you do the shit you do! Instead of them helping you do better they fall down hill with you!"

I chuckle darkly, reaching my hand out squeezing her throat, "I don't need them. I don't need you. I don't need nobody. When I need someone who do I call on? My damn self. I wipe my own tears."

"I can't breathe." she clutch at my hands as her eyes become watery.

"I like it better that way. You're more quiet."

I let go of her neck, watching as she gasp for air, "Maybe next time you should keep your mouth closed or I won't hesitate to kill your ass."

"You gone have to kill me because im not holding my tongue for you. Everything I say is for the greater good. I care about you & I won't sit back & let you hurt yourself."

"Whatever." I wave her off, "Don't wait up for me. I may not come home tonight."


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