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4 days later...

Ebony P.O.V

"Im in love with being your mommy." I sung to amoura as she lay wrapped in her towel on the bed.

We had both just got out the tub & I had to dry her off first so that I could feed her & afterwards put her to sleep. Im always last to get myself together so I can have some peace & quiet after shes taking care of.

Amoura started kicking her legs as she made funny noises causing me to laugh, "Girl."

I grabbed her footy pajamas from beside me and unwrapped the towel from under her, tossing it onto the floor.

"Hopefully you can fit this." I say, holding up the pajamas that were pretty big for a 2 months.

My phone started ringing just as I pulled the pajamas over amoura's head, "People always seem to call when im doing something."

I peeped over at my phone & seen that chris was calling which shocked me because we haven't talked since the day I left him.

Grabbing my phone, I press the accept button, "yes chris?"

"I know you want nothing to do with me but I need you right now. Im sitting in my car with a gun in my hand & im about to blow my fucking brains out!" he cried as his voice cracked.

"Woah, calm down! Where are you? Are you at home? I can come & get you." I said, rushing to put on my slippers.

"Im parked outside my house & please hurry up. I don't want to kill myself but my heart is telling me different & I can't control my thoughts right now!"

"Stay on the phone with me, ok? Im on my way." I quickly finish putting the pajamas on amoura before grabbing her up, "Just try to calm down."

"Im so scared. I can't control myself & my hands are shaking out of fear."

"It's gone be okay I promise. Im on my way to you. Stay on the phone."

"If you don't make it in time just tell my kids that I love them & that I am sorry for not being the dad that they needed. Im also sorry for the things that I've put you through & if I could back & change it I would. I love you."

I bowed my head down as the tears started to fall, "I love you too, now stop talking like that. Im coming to you."


Jaliyah P.O.V


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