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Chris P.O.V

Am I a good dad? I've had my moments in the past when I can be very immature & do things that would hurt my child without intentionally trying too. I would make decisions that certain things were required a punishment or a lesson but it would always go left. It was always a bad idea & I learned that from my mistakes with jai. Those are mistakes I would never make again.

I laid across the bed as I stared at amoura who was crying, "What's the issue?"

Amoura stopped crying & looked up at me with teary eyes before crying louder.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I just asked you what's wrong & yo ass ain't cooperating." I said simply as I continue staring at her.

I watched as she fell onto her back & started kicking her feet in the air & she turned her head from side to side as her cries only got louder.

What am I doing wrong? I thought babies liked being talked to but obviously mines don't. My child is being very difficult at the moment.

I sighed before getting out the bed, walking infront of it, "Maybe I should entertain you."

I turned my back to amoura & arched my back a little before I started twerking, "Look girl."

It was silent for a while so I turned around to look at amoura & she was smiling as she clapped her hands together. The fuck?

"You babies this generation are a different breed. You like that gay shit huh?" I asked her & she was still clapping.

I walked over to the bed & picked her up & placed her on my hip, "All you wanted was some attention?"

I playfully bit her cheek & turned to pick up her bottle but I felt her hand slap across my face, "babbaaa."

"Don't hit daddy, ok? That's not nice & I really could've thrown yo ass."

I sat softly on the bed & laid amoura in my arms before sticking the bottle into her mouth & she immediately latched onto it.

I kissed her forehead & grabbed a pillow from behind me, placing it behind my head, "Night Night."

I focused on the ceiling as I thought about my therapy section tomorrow morning. I had found me a therapist & she had alot of great reviews so I hoped she was useful. I really need to talk with someone who understands me & maybe then I can quit pretending to be happy.


Ebony P.O.V

I bounced my leg up & down as I sat inside the abortion clinic, waiting for my name to be called

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I bounced my leg up & down as I sat inside the abortion clinic, waiting for my name to be called.

I wanted to run out of here & never return but I can't. This is what's needed to be done & I just wanted to get it over with because rather I run out or not, im going to cry afterwards.

"Ms.Barns." A woman called as she came from the back with a clipboard in her hands.

"Here." I said, picking up my purse & sliding it up my arm.

She nodded my way & motioned for me to follow her so I did. I followed her into a room with a lot of utensils & my stomach dropped, "Um."

"Don't be nervous. Most of these im not going to use." she smiled, taking a seat in a rolling chair.

I nodded slowly, "So when do we start?"

"In a minute, I just need to check somethings." she grabbed a pen & flipped to a new sheet on her clipboard, "Is this your first abortion?"

"Of course. I never really belived in abortions so it was never a choice."

"People say that alot until getting an abortion is their only option." she continued, "Have you ever been pregnant before?"

"Yes, I have a daughter who I just gave birh to not too long ago." I say.

"Aww congratulations."

I just smiled but on the inside I was freaking out. Its taking her so long to get started & Im starting to regret coming here.

"Okay, I have all the information I need but first I need to explain somethings to you." she walked over to me, "I need you to be calm & I need for you to trust me so this process does't go wrong. If you don't obey those expectations than problems will occur."

"Lets just get this over with." I mumbled & she walked over to her desk & grabbed an needle, "Bitch you about to stick me?"

"Calm down! Its numbing medication that I have to insert into you."

I took a deep breath & bit down on my bottom lip, "Im sorry, lets just start."



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