Ch.15 (PART 2)

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Ebony P.O.V

I paced back & forth as I dialed chris number for the 100th time, "Why isn't he answering?"

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I paced back & forth as I dialed chris number for the 100th time, "Why isn't he answering?"

I've been calling him since 6:00 this morning & its 1:00 in the evening.

"Turn on the tv!" My mom rushed into the livingroom, "Channel 3 news!"

I stared at her confused, "Why? Whatever channel 3 is talkin about has nothing to do with me. Im trying to get in contact with chris."

"Its involving chris! And amoura! Fuckin look!" she changed the channel to channel 3 news.

"There was a wreck here last night involving the famous singer, chris brown. Folks say an 18 wheeler swerved into browns car & knocked it over into the river." The news man say as they zoomed in on the background & showed chris car being dragged out the water.

"What the fuck?" I gasphed, "My daughter was in the car with him!"

"We don't know that, he probably never went & picked her up. This probably happened on his way to get her." she said, trying to calm me down.

"Amoura was in that car! His mom called me & confirmed that he did!" I cried, "I can't believe this shit."

"Oh God." she bowed her head down, "Let's drive down to the scene & then we'll know if their okay."

"What if their not? Than what? I'll be feeling whatever pain chris feels & I don't want that feeling! The pain of losing a child drives you crazy & it causes you to have mental health problems. I don't want to go through that." I spazzed, "I just hope their okay."

"The only way to find out is if we go down there." My mom grabbed her car keys & told me to come on & I did so.

"Think about it, amoura is only two fuckin months. She can't survive that shit!" I yelled as I slammed my car door shut.

"You're thinking negative, stop it. Don't jinx anything."

"All I could think about is the worst."


Jaliyah P.O.V

"Did you see the news?" Mike came running into the room with London tailing behind him

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"Did you see the news?" Mike came running into the room with London tailing behind him.

"I don't watch the news so no." I told him, "Why?"

"Your baby daddy has been in an car accident. The news say that he was knocked off the bridge by an 18 wheeler & ended up falling in the L.A river."

"You Lyin?" I jumped up, "Don't play with me."

"I swear I ain't playin. It's all over the news & social media. This shit is no joke."

"Did they say if he was dead or not?" I asked, looking around for my car keys.

"Not yet but he could be. They say his car was 30 feet deep."

I paused & took a deep breath, "30 feet deep? What the fuck? Can anyone even survive that?"

"I don't know Ian never been that deep in water before." He said & held his car keys out to me, "Take my car."

I glared at him & snatched the keys, "Don't ever say some sarcastic shit like that, this is his life we're talking about." And with that I left the room.


Ebony P.O.V

Once we arrived to the scene, I quickly got out the car & rushed over to the policeman, "Let me in!"

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Once we arrived to the scene, I quickly got out the car & rushed over to the policeman, "Let me in!"

The streets were blocked off, The ambulance was here & there were policeman everywhere. There was people recording & taking pictures.

The policeman turned to me, "Sorry ma'am we can't do that. As you can see there's been an accident & 2 people were injured."

"Injured? Oh my god! Sir, my daughter was in that car when the crash happened! Can I see if she's okay? please."

"Give me a minute." He said & walked over to another policeman.

Now that he was out the way I could see everything. I seen chris car that had a dent in it on the right side & it was being towed but I didn't see chris & amoura, "Where are they?" I mumbled.

The policeman rushed back over to me, "What's your daughters name?"

"Amoura, amoura brown. Why?" I asked, "Is she okay?"

"Would you be able to identify her body?"

A lump formed in my throat & I gasp for air, "Bo-o-dy? Don't tell me she's dead."

"Come with me."


I followed behind him as we walked over some rocks that led us to the bottom of the bridge where two bodies lay near the water, "NO!"

I ran over to them & examined their faces & noticed it was chris & amoura, "no." I cried.

I put one hand on amouras face & the other one on chris's, "Their skin is still soft but it's cold. They aren't dead!"

"We know that but we have to form cpr to find their pulse because their not breathing. We believe there's too much water in their lungs." A woman say, putting a finger on both amouras & chris neck.

"I don't care what you do, just bring them back to me."



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